Chapter 22: Mixed Signals

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"It's all true. They live in California. My parents- my real parents." Cole said.

"Wow," I said. "This is so crazy."

"I know," he responded. "I'm at the airport right now."

"You're what?" I asked shocked.

"They're insisting I come as soon as possible. They bought the tickets." He said.

I sat up a little and asked, "Did you say tickets as in plural?"

"Maybe they'll have some on the flight!"

I pressed my phone harder against my ear to hear Parker rambling in the background.

"I didn't want to go by myself!" Cole explained.

"What about the rest of the semester?" I asked him.

"This qualifies as special circumstances. And there's only two weeks left, not even." He said. "I've got to go, we're boarding soon."

"Keep me updated!" I told him.

"Have a Happy birthday Aero." He said before hanging up.

I visibly cringed as I hung up the phone.

"Good conversation then?" Thomas asked. His book covered half of his face as he sat on the other end of his bed.

"Cole and Parker are flying to California to meet his birth family," I explained to him.

He nodded his head slowly.

"So Parker won't be here for your birthday then?" He asked.

"No, I guess not." I sighed.

I shouldn't be upset, it's not the first birthday we haven't been together for.

He folded his book shut and looked over at me. He nudged the side of my leg with his foot.

"We could go to Venice instead," Thomas said smirking a little.

"As in Italy?'' I scoffed sarcastically. "Yeah, right. What are we gonna do, take your dad's private jet?"

"It's my mother's, actually," he said quickly not looking away from me.

I laughed a little and looked at him, but he kept a serious face.

I stopped laughing and asked, "If I'd actually say yes we would really be going to Venice this weekend?"

He shrugged his shoulders and picked his book back up.

"Your parents would pay for that? Sorry--they would let us go?" I asked.

"They feel guilty, remember?" he sighed.

I nudged his leg with my foot.

"I'm honestly surprised you still are in contact with them," I said.

He shifted his sitting position slightly and said, "I hate them with a burning passion, but a lot of other stuff has happened in our lives that somehow has let them hold onto me. They are currently on thin ice. Besides, I can't leave Sarah-J completely defenseless. So if we want to go to Italy, Mexico, or anywhere really, it's none of their concern."

"As fun as avoiding everyone and pissing off your parents would be, I think Aurelie would actually set me on fire if I ditch her," I laughed a little.

"Ah, yes. The big surprise," Thomas joked.

"You said that's at 2:00 tomorrow, right?" I asked jumping up off of his bed.

In Between The LiesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora