Chapter 16- From Italy to Russia.

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"Where is my wife?"

"Why should I tell you that?"

"Because she is my wife,"

"And she is my daughter, whom you threw out of your house,"

"I didn't throw her out, I only..." Exactly what did I do? I did a lot of things.

"Right, you just hurt her beyond words because she was crying herself to sleep every day, and not telling me why she was crying. Me? Her father whom she tells everything to," He snapped, groaning a frustrated groan.

"I knew I shouldn't have married her off to you," It was my turn to glare at him, but I didn't say anything, biting back my comebacks. The last thing I needed to do was hurt Alina more by hurting her father, that's not why I'm here right now.

"Just... Let me speak to her,"

"No." He's getting more and more annoying with every conversation we share. I guess I can see where Alina gets her sassy, fiery self from, it's sexy on her but just pure annoying on this man.

"You bloody-" I quickly cut myself off when the door swung open, Alina's mother making her appearance as she stood beside her prickly husband, crossed arms, staring me up and down as if I were some sort of new, undiscovered species.

"Honey, go inside," She instructed.

"What? But-"

"Don't make me repeat myself," She gave him a pointed look, and with a huff, and then one last glare directed to me, he spun on his heel and stomped back into the house like a child having a tantrum, he was definitely acting like one.

"...You messed up," She started.

"I wouldn't be here asking for permission to see my wife if I didn't already know that," I obviously replied. And then, a small crack of a smile broke onto her face, and now I realised how similar Alina looked to her mother, I guess it wasn't just the eyes.

"She's not here," She sighed.

I furrowed my brows, confused. "Then, where is she?"


Wait... Russia? What was she doing all the way over there?

As if reading my thoughts, the woman chuckled. "Alina is close to her parents, but she also doesn't like feeling like a burden. My daughter has a habit of running away when she's stressed or upset, and at times like these, her grandparents are the best source of comfort,"

I raised a brow; I do remember her telling me about her grandparents quite often.

"I was born and raised in Russia, I only moved to Italy once I got married, but my parents are still in Russia, it is their home just as Italy has become my home... I will give you their address. Everything else is your choice,"

"You... don't hate me?" I curiously asked.

"If I hated you, I wouldn't have given you my daughter's hand in marriage. And my husband doesn't hate you either," I rolled my eyes at that. Like she could expect me to believe that lie.

"He is a protective father, but he knows that Alina loves you, and if Alina loves you then that means there is something worth loving in you. He is a stoic, stern man, but he acknowledges you as his son-in-law. Step by step, I know you'll grow closer,"

I didn't really care if he loved me or even grew to love me in the future, Alina's love is all I needed.

And so, a few hours later, I was climbing the steps to my private jet, getting ready for the long plane journey to St Petersburg, Russia. Of all the countries in the world, she picks one that just had to be so damn far away from home.

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