Password to TUW Chapters

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Hey Guys,

So while I was sending out password for Chapter 32 for all the readers who have commented on the chapter, I realized (after a lot of confusion and guesses on my end) that Wattpad is not letting me send you a message if you don't follow me.

Please Follow me to make this process streamlined. I will continue sending out Chapter 32 passwords to the accounts Wattpad is letting me send it to, but shall stall sending out Chapter 33 password until all my supportive readers can receive it. 

For Chapter 32, please Follow me and then Inbox me on Wattpad itself. I'll send you the password.

 Please hit the Follow button on my Main Page.


Edit: I have hit my limit to 'spam' today because I sent messages to a lot of readers who don't Follow me (obviously the msgs didn't go through) before I researched and realized the cause. I'll resume tomorrow and hopefully by then many readers would be following me making me not-a-spammer :D

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