Password Note

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Hey Guys, 

I hope everyone who commented on the Chapters 32 -35 got passwords. It took me three days in total to accomplish that task but it feels good now that it is done.

I am posting this note to address the issues of some of my dear readers who have not received the password. I shall go pointwise so you can look up your case scenario. Just please remember that I have no ill-will towards anyone and I am not holding out on passwords just for the sake of it. I made a deal with my readers and hundreds of them held up their side of it  so it is now my turn to hold up my end of it. And I want to.

1. Chapter7 to Chapter 31 will not be put up online again. If you are new to this story and really want to read it, the whole book will be available for purchase in a couple of months. Please wait for it.

2. Passwords for Chapter 32 onwards will be sent chapter-wise. If your comment is there on the chapter, you will receive the password for that particular chapter. Else no. I am doing my bit by still making this book available for my Wattpad followers, you please do yours by regularly commenting. I have made it very clear that I'll not be sending out passwords just because someone asks for it. Your comment need to be there on that chapter BEFORE the date I made it private. And I am extremely notorious for taking long gaps between updates so I know readers have plenty of time to read the chapter and comment if they really want to.

3.  Refrain from sending me abusive messages for not getting the password. I do not appreciate it and you shall be blocked from my page resulting in canceling your access to even my free stories available here.  It is my intellectual property and I reserve complete rights to it. I respect your as a reader, and I expect you to respect  me as a writer.

I guess that is all. Thanks.

PS: I have fried my laptop by spilling water on it. My notes were on it. I have a transient lappy right now on which I am writing the next chapter but it might be a tad delayed as all my story references are inaccessible. Please pray for my safe data retrieval.

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