Tip 17: Try TikTok

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TikTok has gained immense popularity among readers and writers. Even I joined recently! (I post a video almost every day, so look me up! I'm Zoe_Blessing there.) There have been a few authors whose book sales skyrocketed thanks to videos that went viral in a crazy way. This has caused a lot of other authors to take notice and give TikTok a shot, which means there's a vibrant writer community there.

Readers also love to talk about the books they read, and it's known as the #booktok community. These are the people we want to be noticed by. So how do we do it? I'm fairly new to this scene, so my following is still tiny, but I've learned some advice from others about how to boost your chances.

Follow the Types of People You Want Following You

When I first started, I made the mistake of following only those whose feed I actually wanted to watch. This ended up being a mistake because it resulted in my account rarely being recommended to others for following. The TikTok algorithm takes into account who you network with and interact with most, and will recommend your profile accordingly. I got very few follows when I was overly selective, but once I began following numerous readers and writers, my own followers began to rise faster.

Be Yourself

This is actually a scary prospect, because a lot of us don't think we're interesting. But videos where people show their faces perform a lot better than when it's just books. That said, you don't have to show your face. You can be creative in other ways to produce interesting content. The bottom line is viewers respond most when someone is being earnest. I follow a writer who always looks and sounds nervous, but I don't think badly of her. I think it takes guts and find it endearing that she pushes through the fear and does it anyway.

Be Entertaining

If you find it difficult to be yourself, then be entertaining. Viewers are there to get away from their lives for a little bit, so they'll enjoy content that's funny, fascinating, educational, or emotional. Don't always be trying to sell your book because it's a turnoff. Mix it up. Watch some TikTok videos to get an idea of what people are doing. There's a little bit of everything, and there's always room for one more (you!)

Link Back to Your Wattpad Profile

Like Instagram, TikTok only allows one link, but unlike Instagram, they only allow that clickable link if you've gotten over 1000 followers, or you have a business account. A business account is very easy to set up for free, but it severely limits you on what kind of music you can use. So if you plan on participating in trends that involve popular music, you might want to stick with a personal account. In this case, you'll want to put your Wattpad name in your TikTok bio, so new followers can find you here.

If you're on TikTok, look me up! I'm Zoe_Blessing there (I'll put a link to my TikTok profile in the comments). If you find me, let me know you're a Wattpadder and I'll follow you back. We'll grow together.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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