Tip 15: Lead Readers to Your Next Book

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What usually happens when a reader finishes a story? They'll likely do one of the following:

1. Go to the next book in their reading list

2. Browse Wattpad for more stories

3. Click a writer's profile to view other stories they've written (although a surprising number of readers don't know they can do this)

4. Collapse into a sleep-deprived coma because your book was that good.  ;)

A really good practice, especially in your most popular story, is to tell readers about the next book they should visit. On the last page of your story, talk about your next one. Include a link to it as an External Link (not sure if this is available via the app) and also as a comment so users can click directly to it. At the very least, inform the reader they can find more stories on your profile.

By doing this, your readers are more likely to stay with you in their reading journey. They'll probably even appreciate the guidance if they weren't sure where they wanted to go next. Every story ending is an opportunity to suggest a new beginning.

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