Tip 12: Advertise Properly

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How does  a company make its products known to potential consumers? By advertising. The same goes for writers and their work. In this chapter, I'll list some good, bad, and iffy ways to advertise your story.


Your Profile - If you don't have many followers, then this may seem pointless, but your profile is always a safe place to write whatever you want (provided they stay within Wattpad's content guidelines). The more followers you get, though, the more eyes you have on your announcements. As you grow, this avenue will be more effective.

Twitter - Some people have gotten good results from effective use of tags and text in their tweets.

Your Blog/Website - If you talk about your story here, Google could index that page, making it searchable by the whole world! I mean, chances are small that people will discover you this way, but it's absolutely possible.

Appointed Forum/Discord Channels - Several forums and Discord servers have popped up since the closure of the official Wattpad forums. They are excellent places to interact with other Wattpad readers and writers. If you join one, be sure to obey the rules and only advertise in designated areas.

Wattpad User Spaces (solicited) - By "spaces" I mean profiles, private messages, and books. The only time it's okay to post links to your story in someone else's space is if they tell you it's okay. Examples: 1. User asks for story suggestions on their profile. 2. User dedicates a space in their book for other users to leave comment links to their stories. If you've been given permission, then post it!


Wattpad User Spaces (unsolicited) - Do you like getting spam messages? Not many do. When you post unsolicited links to your story in someone else's book, profile, or private messaging, you are spamming them. This is not only pointless, but will make people annoyed at you. You may even be reported to Wattpad HQ. This is the opposite of what you want.

Forum/Discord Discussion Areas - You can advertise your story in the appointed areas only. Most of these spaces are for conversations, not advertisements. If you break the rules of the space you're in, you risk getting kicked out.


This is basically using forums and Wattpad user spaces in a sneaky way. I think of it more like a marketing ploy than an advertisement. Use this technique sparingly or it will be obvious what you're doing.

From time to time, I'll answer a post and casually drop the name of my book as part of my answer. Example: "I know what you mean. When I was writing My Mother Runs with Wolves, I had writers block right in the middle of the story for months!" Don't link to your story. This will be perceived as advertising. Just use the name of your book. Curious readers will go look you up and find it if they really want to.

Another example, as a comment in someone's book: "This is so cool. My story, Siena, has a chameleon-like character in it too!" Your comment must be relevant to the passage you are referring to and look like like a genuine comment. Links to your story increase the likelihood you'll be seen as an advertiser rather than a commenter, so I suggest refraining. You might even get lucky and someone will ask you for the link, in which case go for it!


Never, ever, post a link to your story without any context. I don't know how many times I've received a private message where the user merely pasted a link to their story and that's it. No explanation. Not even a book title. Really? Did they expect me to click on that? In today's world of spammers and scammers, users have learned to avoid clicking on unexplained links. At the very least include the name of your book. Even better is to include the story description. Keep your story description in an easy-to-refer-to place for quick copying and pasting.

The more customized the message, the better it will be received. For example, let's say someone requested the following: "I'm looking for stories about kickass women who use fire. Like pyromancers or something." I could post a link to my story, along with the following message: "You might like my book, Sember. It's Book 2 of a series, but each story is stand-alone and can be read out of order. Sember is a strong-willed, independent girl, and although she's never literally kicked anyone's butt, she could fry them in a second. FIIIIIRRRRE!"

Cookie-cutter responses rely on how well your description works to capture interest, but if you personalize it, it'll seem more interesting because now your personality comes into play. Make it fun, and you'll stand out!

Do you have a story to share? Post a link to it in the comments here! Be sure to practice what I taught you. This is a safe space, so don't be afraid of "doing it wrong". Unless you post a link with no explanation. That is wrong. XD

New to Wattpad? Go through the comments that others have left here and connect with them! They will be as eager as you to network, so chances are much higher you'll find friends.

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