I love you

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What the fuck you just did yoongi! you let your feelings out you couldn't control yourself, what if he knew you love him more than a friend, I can't lose him,

"Hyunggg that was great, I never knew you would confess your love like that,that was so romantic, I wish jungkook made something like that"tae said squeaking like a high school girl,

"Shut the fuck up,years and I am trying to hide my feelings and I was exposed today by you and your stupid ass boyfriend"I said trying to calm down but I couldn't,"what if he hates me now?what if he thinks I am a creep ,what would I do"I said again my heart really ached,

I was really controlling myself until..

Some days ago..

"Min yoongi get your ass out of bed now we're going to be late"I heard jin yelling, omg what the fuck does he want in the early morning,"hey hyung,you need to wake up we have to go"I heard a soft voice whispering in my ears,

My heart started bouncing, I know whose soft voice was that but I was really tired to respond to him,"Hyung , please wake up before jin hyung kick our asses actually joonie hyung is keeping him calm till now and I don't know how he manages to do this"he said and I smiled to myself as how adorable he is,

He shook me again,"what are you doing with your face so close in the morning?"I said as soon as I opened my eyes to see a very beautiful jimin standing in front of me. omg how adorable,

He backed away quickly,"I am obviously waking you up because we have a dance practice in half hour and you're still in your bed" he said sarcastically, wow jimin you're growing up,

"Okay I am up"I said and stood up leaving the room quickly, I would get hard from just staring at him. The love of my life,Park jimin.

How much I love him and how he's always so cute and cheerful, I have loved him for years now but I can't tell him,he would reject me of course and he will think I am creep,

Every one know that I love him except himself, when namjoon started realising his feelings towards jin and came to talk to me, I told him about it,then hosoek of course how could I hide something like that from my best friend,

I told tae too cause I trust him,of course tae said to jungkook and that's how I ended up exposed of course, I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my favourite place,the sofa

I layed there kicking hobi out of the way. After some time they all gathered and waited for namjoon to state our plans,

"Okay so we're going to have our breakfast from our pretty chef jin"namjoon paused looking at jin and jin blushed really hard,why won't you date already! that's so obvious,"then we're going to our dance practice,we have to practice the whole day and min yoongi please wake up for fuck's sake"he said yelling at me and I glared at him,

They dragged me to the kitchen and we all had our breakfast and headed to our rooms to change, I wore a white shirt and black sweatpants and gone out to wait for them,

As soon as we arrived at the studio I felt someone's staring at me I looked back and it was really,my heart really raced at that beautiful sight,"need something chim?"I asked him trying to sound cool,

"nothing hyung I was just lost in my thoughts" he said and turned his head,stop being so adorable JIMIN,

We finished and headed back home we were all tired,we went to shower then came back again to the living room,"move your ass"I said to tae as soon as I entered the room as he was spreading his legs,

I sat with hobi, namjoon and tae while the rest were in the kitchen, they came back with 4 bowls of pop corn and chips, jungkook of course hopped on tae's lap leaving jimin and jin standing,"guess we have to sit on the floor this time"jimin said to jin and namjoon interrupted,

"Guess no this time jinie is sitting here"namjoon said tapping his lap for jin to sit on it,how brave"I am the only one on the floor? you're so mean"jimin said pouting and my heart ached, how much I wanted to pull you to my lap right now,you don't know

"You have two free laps you could use"tae said gesturing to my lap and hobi,"who said I am okay with that?"I said glaring at Tae, what is he trying to do,what if I got hard!"I don't have two now I am not choosing then it's hobi hyung's lap"he said and my gut kicked me,

He started walking towards hosoek, resist yourself min yoongi, don't lose your control,fuck it I can't, I grabbed his wrist stopping him,"where do you think you're going? just sit here"I said and grabbed him down to my lap,my ears heated and I prayed I won't get hard,

"You said you don't want to"he said softly, omg calm down min yoongi please,"I never said I don't want to"I said and smiled trying to look calm while I am not really.

"Chim?you are sleeping"I shook the sleeping boy on my lap and he was not responding,"okay just sleep here", I whispered to his ears,"sleep where?yoongi I swear I will kick your ass, don't bad influence my babies",jin nagged more like my mother,"I can carry him don't bother hyung"namjoon said and stood up,

"I will take jimin to his bed thanks"I said and they all started teasing me,"honestly suga when will you tell him"hosoek said and I rolled my eyes,

"In your dreams"I said and carried jimin to his bed,why do you have to be this cute park jimin! you're so adorable even in your sleep, I tugged him in blankets and kissed his forehead before going back to the living room,

"Guys I am going back to sleep, good night"I said and I was about to leave when tae grabbed me,"noooo, you will complete the movie with us"he said and I rolled my eyes and went to sit on the sofa again,

"Good night jiminei"I said in my head.

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