Part 7

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If I thought cooking dinner was difficult, eating it was harder with Kat sitting next to me. Every few minutes she'd look at me accusingly, before moving her eyes in Christian's direction. Great.

I didn't even try making small talk, as my eyes almost felt they were drooping with exhaustion. Although, when I did move my eyes from my food, I was conveniently met with his powerful stare. 

Why world, why?

As soon as our meal was finished, Kat grabbed me by the elbow and led me up the stairs and to our room, shutting the door behind us. I sat down on my bed, and she sat on hers, facing me.


I shift uncomfortably on my bed, shrugging my shoulders in the process.

"I don't really know what you're talking about." I tell her.

She scoffs before crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yes you do. Now hurry up, I'm dying here."

I sigh, cracking my too-stiff knuckles before continuing.

"Nothing happened, we were just cooking."

"So, what, you just needed his help loosening your apron, , he just casually decided to touch your waist and you didn't stop him, he conveniently bumped into you just so he could swoop in and catch you, and oh, not to mention the wandering eyes that just happened to meet every so often. Yeah, nothing at all," Kat argues, counting off of her fingers.

I let out a groan, burying my head in my hands to hide my embarrassment. 

"Look, I don't know what happened, but it didn't mean anything."

Kat pretended to look shocked, her eyes widening.

"Are you insinuating that my observations deceive me? I witnessed the 2 of you flirting for an hour straight, and you're trying to say that nothing happened?"

I half shrugged.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Excuse me, but in all the years I've known you, I have never, and I mean ever, seen you so flustered when we're talking, especially regarding anything of this level." Kat fired back, a smug look on her face.

"It's because you're grilling me on... I don't even know what!"

"Would I even be your friend if I didn't?"

"No, I guess."

"Exactly!" Kat says, standing up off of her bed and coming across to sit next to me. She opens her arms for a hug, which I begrudgingly agree to.

"You can deny it all you like, but something is going on with you too," Kat says, a glint in her eyes.

I roll my eyes before groaning again.

"Well, I'll just have to prove you wrong then," I replied. It was Kat's turn to roll her eyes now.

"That's not going to happen."


After my interrogation with Kat, we went back downstairs to meet up with everyone else. Most nights we'd end up watching movies or playing cards before everyone eventually went to bed. Tonight was no different. 

Everyone seemed pretty tired today for some reason, and bedtimes came earlier than normal for most of us. Not me though. I was still trying to process what happened this afternoon. Why Christian was acting so... differently towards me, what Kat was talking about, and what any of this meant. It's not like I liked Christian, but I was definitely suspicious as to why he hadn't filled my shoes with rocks yet or partaken in any of his usual sabotaging activities. 

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