Part 13

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I meant it when I said she could never hurt me. She could drive me insane, hate me all she wanted, but I don't think I could ever fully be hurt by her. I wouldn't let myself. Because if I did, I'm not sure how I'd truly be able to live. As dramatic as it may sound, I'd be able to survive, but not live a life. 

It's currently 11:52 pm, and we've been sitting outside on patio chairs for a few hours, waiting for the infamous 4th of July fireworks. We're sitting in a semi-circle shape, sipping on drinks and reliving memories. Lera's sitting across from me, and I make sure not to miss her wandering eyes each time they look in my direction. 

"Christian, honey, do you mind going to get the party popper? I think I left them in one of the  kitchen cupboards, Lera, go with him, you'll know where they are." Kelly says, throwing Lera a knowing look. 

Does she know?

Lera glares at her mom for a second, before begrudgingly standing and walking back into the house. I stand up quickly and follow after her, closing the door on my way in. 

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Hi." she replies, hurriedly opening and closing cabinets.

She looks flustered, the dim lighting revealing an anxious face.

"Leers, what's wrong?" I ask, her own face concerning mine. 

"Nothing." she replies, too quickly. 

I saunter over to the cabinet she's standing infront of, softly closing it's doors. She looks up at me, her deep brown eyes round and full. She looks so beautiful in the night light, it should be illegal. 

"I need to talk to you, but not right now and I don't think I can be around you before I say what I need to say." she says, a scared look crossing her face.

I laugh lightly, peering down at her.

"Why didn't you just say that?"

She looks confused, like I have 2 heads and I just said aliens were about to inhabit this kitchen.

"I thought you'd be upset?"

"Why would I be upset?"

She breaks our stare, staring down at the floor as she continues. 

"Well, it's just that when I normally tell people I need space and I'll talk to them later, they sort of get... angry?"


"Just some guy I dated a few months ago, whenever I said I needed time to think he'd get mad and say stuff like 'well I haven't got all day so hurry up', it doesn't matter though."


How dare he say that to the person I care about the most in this entire world. 

I don't know how long we've been standing here in the kitchen thinking, but I feel Lera's hand grab my left, unrolling the balled up fist I didn't know was there.

"Who was he?" I ask. I don't remember meeting any guy a few months ago, for all I knew Lera hadn't ever had a boyfriend. 

"Just some guy from school, it only lasted like 2 weeks anyway, mostly because I was overwhelmed and he got bored of it."

"Well, don't listen to what he said. You can have as much time as you like, whenever you're ready to talk I'll be ready and waiting." I reply quietly, rubbing the top of her thumb with mine. She looks up at me again, a faint smile tugging at her lips. 

"Well," she says, turning back towards the cabinets, "I probably won't be able to sleep tonight, because of the fireworks and stuff, so I'll probably just go and sit on the beach or something. Would you like to join me for a night-time picnic?"

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