Part 20

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They're stupid. Like majorly stupid, in need of social help stupid. And guess who's back to help out the little lovebirds in their time of need? Me, Britney Bitch.

No but seriously, these two need to work out their communication and overwhelmingly underwhelming issues, I'm getting too old to be a marriage counsellor.

They're meant for each other anyway. Christian hasn't shut up about her since we were kids. Lera this, and Lera that, blah, blah, blah. I knew he liked her, and for some reason it didn't bother me as much as it probably should have. Christian's generally a good guy, if you forget his booming ego, and his long term connection to my family means he knows the ins-and-outs of everyone, including Lera. He knows what she needs and values, and what kind of a person she is. It's the same for the other way around. It's good to know that they've finally found each other, as they're undoubtedly the best fit for each other and their lives.

So, as the good little life coach I am, I need to talk to each of them, and sort out their issues asap. I don't think I can deal with 2 mopey people at once if this all comes crashing down.

Target 1; Christian.


I walk down the stairs, eyeing Christian sitting on the couch, staring into space. I whistle for him, and like the good little dog he is he bounds towards me, following me back into our room. He immediately flops onto his bed, staring at the roof as he waits for me to speak.

"So... what're you going to do." I ask slowly.

"Wait until she decides what she wants to do. We had a conversation today, but she was still feeling a little... confused I think? Anyway, whatever it was, she still wasn't ready to talk, so I'll just wait for a few more days." he replies, laughing sadly at the end.

"Ok, but you can't just keep waiting forever. You know Lera, she's indecisive and struggles to know what she wants, I think sometimes you need to stand up sometimes and say what you need." I say, watching Christian warily.

"No. I'm not going to push it while she's still feeling wary. I've been chasing her for years, and now that I've finally caught her I can't let everything blow up this easily. That'd just be selfish on my part."

I roll my neck and cross my arms over my chest, leaning against one of the walls. This guy is so whipped.

"Okay, if that's what you want to do I won't push it, but please, you guys need to make up soon. It's better for both of you when you're together." I reply, acknowledging his comment.

"We will. I can't give up on her, even if I tried really hard. She's too important, in every aspect of my life." Christian replies, looking over towards me sadly.

"It'll be okay, don't worry. I'll check up on her today and see what she's thinking. She misses you, I know she does."

Christian lets out a deep sigh, rubbing his eyes roughly.

"I miss her more than anything. It's been what, like 2 days, and I'm already a mess. I'm such a wimp." he says, sitting up from his bed.

"Missing someone isn't a sign of weakness. It just means you love her so much you don't want to live a moment of your life without her, which is completely normal. I'm glad this is how you're feeling about her actually, not that I ever doubted how you felt anyway." I reply softly. I do feel bad for the guy because sometimes my sister can be... slightly difficult. Don't tell her I said that...

Christian smiles at my comment, standing from his bed and coming across to where I'm standing. When he reaches me, he grasps my shoulder, pulling me into a hug. I embrace him tightly, knowing he needs the hug, the touchy-feely fucker always has. He steps back slowly after a few seconds, quickly swatting at his eyes. 

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