Chapter 6

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The next day I walked to my bus stop and waited for the bus. I was battling the thoughts in my head of whether I should sit with Entity on the bus, or should I sit by myself. When the bus pulls up I saw that Entity wasn't on and it made me upset that I sat behind where he normally sat. I wanted to talk to Entity about what happened last night a school. When we finally arrived to school I ran off the bus and went to look for Entity. I managed to find d him, but he was hanging out with people that liked to bully others. I felt my heart beat faster and I went to go and talk to him when he saw me. He whispers into one of his friends ears and they all looked over at me. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and I went to go talk to him when all of a sudden, a foot moved into place and I tripped over it. Entity and his friends laughed at me and it caused me to tear up. I ran the opposite way of him and realized that falling in love was just a lie and that people are always going to be mean about anything and everything.

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