Chapter 13

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I wake up to sunlight hitting my face and I stir. I slowly open my eyes and listen to the mobs burning outside. I smile knowing they are suffering after what they did last night. I go to get up when something heavy pulls me back down and snuggles up to me even more. I manage to turn and see Entity sleeping peacefully, his arms wrapped around me, a small smile on his face. I bring my hand up to his face and lightly trail my finger back and forth across his cheek. I do this for a few minutes before he starts to stir, and wakes up himself. He sees me and smiles, "Good morning," "Good morning," I relpy back. We just lay in silence for a few more minutes before I try to get up again. Entity pulls me back down and whines. "I gotta pee Entity," i say. His arms loosen with a pout on his face and I slowly make my way to the bathroom, still sore from last nights events. After a few minutes, I leave the bathroom and see that Entity isnt in bed and I go to find him. I walk downstairs and find him in my kitchen cooking breakfast. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his back. He chuckles with a deep morning voice, and I cant help but feel weak at the knees. He turns around, picks me up and puts me on the counter beside the stove. He looks at me with love and something else, but I couldnt quite pin my answer until he opens my legs wide and slides his body in between. I know realize what this meant and my whole face goes red. I turn away, but Entity brings my face back to him and brings me closer. He puts his lips on me and I cant help but kiss back. At first it started out slow, but became more heated as time moved on. I grab his cloak and slowly slide it off, and he puts his hands on my stomch, under my shirt and starts to slip it off when the smell of burning interrupts us and he lets go and takes care of breakfast. I groan in annoyance and hop off the kitchen counter, heading to the kitchen table. He sets breakfast down and we eat, talking and laughing, sharing a few kisses here and there. After breakfast, he changes the dressings on my wounds and we go outside to gather more resources as I need them for the harsh winter that is approaching. As I finally got all my resources, I notice its getting dark and Im far away from my house. I realize I wont make it back in time and Entity senses this and then teleports us both back. I lean onto a tree and throw up as Im not used to teleporting. Entity is there to help me through it and after everything we get inside and put all the resources away.

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