Chapter 11

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Entity's POV

I see y/n pass out do too the fact she just disintegrated all the zombies surrounding us. I carry her back to her house and set her on her bed. I then grab her medkit and get to work on her wound. The stab wound ended up missing a major artery by about an inch. I stitch up her wound and get a better look at her. She doesnt look young anymore, she has aged a little and it makes her look like a badass. She has a few scars running across her face and I cant help but wonder where she got those scars. As I get a better look at her, i realize that all those years ago, I still have a thing for her and realized I messed up big time. I get up to leave, when a hand grabs mine. "Please stay," y/n whimpers. I turn to look up at her and didnt have the heart to tell her no. I may be a hacker and hurt others, but I wouldnt want to hurt y/n again. I stay by her side and admire as she has a sleepy smile on her face. "Get some rest, you'll need it," I tell her. She nods and closes her eyes, falling asleep once again. I sit by her side holding her hand and rubbing it to make sure she is comfortable and not in too much pain.

Hours later

I soon wake with my shoulder somewhat in pain, but also a warm hand on mine. I look over and see Entity asleep, rssting his head on the edge of my bed. I lightly shake my hand and that seemed to wake him up. He sat up quickly and saw that I was awake. "You alright?" he asked, looking at my shoulder. "Im ok, just sore," I reply. Entity shakes his head and helps me sit up. I finally sit up and face Entity. I stare at him and his lips before looking back into his eyes. He does the same and he slowly leans in. I do the same and we're only about an inch away, when I finally grab his cloak and slam my lips onto his. He is caught in surprise, but melts into the kiss. A few seconds go by and the kiss slowly get heated. He grabs my body and brings me closer to sit on his lap and continue the kiss. We continue for a minute longer until oxygen, being a pain in the ass, demands we break apart. I push back, but lay my forehead against his and pant, catching my breath and he does the same. We sit in silence for a little longer before he says the three words I wouldve never imagine him saying "I love you,"

Hey guys Im back and updating a shit ton more now, i have two days off from work and a lot of free time. Anywho, I know a lot of you were waiting for the kiss and I gave it too you in the form of a long waited make-out session. Your welcome. Eventually itll lead to smjt and Ive never written smut before, so if its bad, im terribly sorry.

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