Chapter 45

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     "Ugh..." Branch cried out in pure agonizing pain, as he lay on the ground, barely able to move, as he held his eyes shut tightly.

Poppy tried to help him up, lifting him onto his feet, but he just fell right back down, wincing in pain.

"Branch! What happened!? What's wrong!?" Poppy asked in a panic, concerned about him, as he whimpered softly in torturous pain. "I... I don't... kn... know," Branch struggled to say through his gasps of air, as he lay on the ground, clutching his stomach tightly.

"Move back," Chief Tula said to Poppy and Barb, as she knelt down next to Branch, placing her hand on his head to check his temperature.

"No! You leave him alone!" Poppy yelled, pulling Branch away from her, and hugging him tight, which made him gasp sharply in pain. "I won't let you hurt him!"

"I'm not trying to hurt him. I'm gonna help," Tula assured, reaching into her bag to pull out some kind of root. "Hold still..." she told Branch, holding the root over his head, before snapping it in half, so that a powder fell out, covering his face.

His eyes became heavy, as the powder slowly absorbed into his skin.

     "Branch?" Poppy whispered, stroking his cheek gently, noticing the change in his breathing. Instead of fast and painful, it had become slow and calm. "Branch? Are... are you ok?"

He looked up at her weakly, hearing her voice, but he couldn't respond, as his eyes slowly blinked shut, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

"Branch? Branch! Wake up, Branch! Branch! Wake up!" Poppy yelled, shaking him back and forth, but he didn't move. "What did you do to him!?" she demanded, looking up at Chief Tula in fear and anger.

"Relax. He's just sleeping. Helps with the pain," Tula assured calmly, as she reached over to pick Branch up off of the ground.

"No! Don't touch him!" Poppy yelled, pulling Branch close to her, not taking her eyes off of Tula. "Do you want him to live... or not?" Tula asked firmly, narrowing her eyes at the queen of pop.

Poppy looked down at Branch, tears flowing from her eyes, as she slowly nodded.

     "Y... yes..." she whimpered softly. "I... I want him to live..."
"Then he has to come with me," Tula said, reaching for Branch again, but again... Poppy pulled him away from her.

"I'll take him..." the queen of pop said firmly. "We'll go with you... but I'm taking him..."

Tula looked at her for a moment, and then nodded, seeing how much she cared about his safety.

"Very well," Tula said, slowly rising to her feet. "Follow me."

She began to walk, Poppy looking back down at Branch, as he slept peacefully in her arms.

"You're gonna be ok, Branch," she said quietly, gently rubbing her fingers down his cheek. "You're gonna be ok."

     "Come..." Tula said firmly, looking back at Poppy, who was still kneeling on the ground.

Poppy nodded, and then slowly stood, beginning to follow Tula, as she carried Branch carefully in her arms.

"You sure about this, Popsqueek?" Barb whispered in Poppy's ear, as she followed behind her.

Poppy looked at her for a moment, and then back at Branch.

"If it means saving Branch..." she said softly. "Then yes... I'm sure..."

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