Chapter 47

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The two queens ran deep into the Enchanted Forest, finally stopping once they were sure they weren't being followed.

"What's... going on... Popsqueek?" Barb asked, panting as she tried to catch her breath.

"I've been here before. When I was little," Poppy explained, gently placing the unconscious Branch on the ground, as she brushed his hair out of his face. "The trolls in this forest... they tried to kill us, and the one we were just with... that's their leader. She had it out for Branch. She wanted to hurt him back then, and she still wants to hurt him now."

She gently placed her hand on Branch's cheek, feeling his cold skin.

"Branch? Are you ok?" she asked him softly, but he didn't respond. He just kept on sleeping.

     "That lady said he was just asleep," Barb assured, trying to calm the pop queen's nerves. "How do we know that's true, though?" Poppy questioned, concerned for Branch's safety. "She's lied before... she can do it again..."

Barb looked at Branch, as he slept on the ground, not moving an inch. He was just sleeping... right?

"He'll wake up, Poppy," she assured, looking back at her friend. "By morning... I'm sure he'll be fine."

She looked around, the sun beginning to set.

"I'm gonna go find some firewood, and sleeping leaves. You stay here with boy toy," Barb said gently.

Poppy nodded, still looking down at Branch sadly, as she gently stroked his cheek with her fingers, trying to get him to wake up.

     Barb sighed, looking away sadly. He was gonna be ok... he had to be ok...

"I'll... I'll be back," Barb promised, beginning to walk away in search of the supplies they would need to survive the night.

Gently, Poppy combed her fingers through Branch's hair, just wishing he would wake up.


A few minutes later, Barb came back with two leaves, and an arms-load of sticks.

"Ok... got us blankets and firewood," Barb announced smiling. "We'll stay warm with these. Tonight's gonna be a cold one..."

She handed Poppy one of the leaves, and then placed the other one on the ground for herself.

Poppy looked at the two leaves, and then at Branch. Three trolls... but only two leaves?

"What about Branch's blanket?" she asked, looking back up at Barb.
"Oh right... boy toy..." Barb said, looking over at Branch. "Sorry, Popcorn... I could only find two. The leaves in this forest are really weird. Super small and colorful."

"That's ok..." Poppy said softly, heading over to Branch. "He can have mine."

She placed the leaf over Branch's body, and then smiled down at him.

"You sure, Popsqueek? It's gonna get pretty cold tonight. You'll need something to keep you warm."
"Branch needs it more than I do," Poppy said, not even looking up at the queen of rock. "Besides... I know he would do the same for me."

She tucked him in, nice and snug, making sure he stayed warm, and then kissed his forehead gently.

Barb shrugged, watching Poppy give away her only chance at warmth.

"Well... this one is mine. And I'm keeping it. No way am I freezing to death out here," she said stubbornly, holding her leaf blanket close to her, as she snarled at Poppy.

"Don't worry, Barb," Poppy chuckled softly. "I'm not gonna take your blanket. Here. Let me start the fire."

She took the sticks from Barb, placing them on the ground in a pile.

"You know how to light a fire?" Barb questioned, a bit shocked.

Poppy chuckled, as she set up the sticks to make a perfect fire.

"Of course I do," she told Barb. "Branch taught me how. He's always trying to make sure I'm safe. That includes making sure I know how to survive if I ever get lost."

She looked over at Branch again, her smile quickly fading.

"I... I just wish I knew how to get him to wake up," she said softly.

     Barb looked at her, seeing her sadness, and sighed.

     "It'll be ok, Popsqueek," Barb said calmingly, as she walked over to sit next to Poppy, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He'll wake up. I'm sure of it. Like I said before... he loves you. He wouldn't leave you for anything."

Poppy looked at her, and smiled slightly, Barbs words making her feel much better.

"Thanks, Barb," she said softly. "That really helped."
"Yeah. Don't get used to it," Barb chuckled, putting Poppy into a head lock, as she gave her a noogie.

"Barb! Stop!" Poppy laughed, trying to pull away. "Stop!"

She finally got out of Barb's grasp, running around, as Barb chased her, playfully, Branch still laying on the ground sleeping, neither one of the two girls noticing his breathing becoming slower...

Trolls and the Enchanted Forest (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now