Chapter Six

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Roman's View

As I made my outside of Renee's home, the front door flung open with a crash and there he stood. The twat of the century, Lewis. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was wet with sweat with his clothes that were filled with creases. There were large sweat patches under his arms. He looked as if he sprinted all the way from Timbuktu.

I stared at him, trying to comprehend how he could land himself someone as wonderful as Renee in the first place. He was punching above his weight. I could feel my hand curl with the urge to want to punch this motherfucker in the face, not understanding how he could disrespect and lose the queen that he had. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" The anger was apparent in my voice and I couldn't hold it back even if I tried.

"This is my fucking house! What do you think I am doing here? I am here to see my wife!" Lewis exclaimed, there was clear thick vein that was pulsing on his forehead. I could see his anger, his frustration at my presence in his home. 

"Funny how you didn't think about your wife while you were with that slut." My voice was thick with anger but I knew I was taunting him with the pain I had caused Renee. 

"Shut up! Nothing happened!" He continued ranting. 

"Oh please, I'm not stupid and neither is Renee. If you think she will believe you."

"Why do you care? I bet my whore of a wife has been fucking you as well. No wonder your so involved. She's great when she spreads her legs like the little slag she is." He smirked. 

"Don't you fucking dare call her a whore you bastard!" I screamed, raising my fist ready to knock him to the floor for the blatant disrespect that he was showing to my best friend. 

Just as I was about to hit him. I heard a small gasp from behind. I lowered my fist and turned to face a tear stricken Renee. The tears were just rolling down her face. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were puffy. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath hoping she didn't hear what Lewis said about her. 

"Is that what you think Lewis." She whispered as the tears continued to fall. 

"You cheated on me first you bitch, I am just returning what you deserve." Lewis said. His voice filled with malice and anger. "Your lover is right here in front of us and you think that I'm sorry that I fucked that bitch."

She gasped at his words and I could see her heart break further. This was the man who had been with her through everything. They grew up together, he was there when her parents died in a car accident, she had supported him through years of unemployed. Yet he was acting so callously in front of her. 

Suddenly, her tears stopped. She brought her dainty hands to her cheeks and wiped the remnant tears from her face. She straightened her back and she looked at me and nodded her head to say that she's got this. I pursed my lips hoping that she knew what she was doing as I moved out of the way and pressed my back against the wall and waited for what she was going to do. 

"Lewis." She looked him directly in the eye. The unwavering hatred was now becoming apparent as she she stared at the man she loved. "I don't know what lies you are spewing to make yourself feel better, but I have never, ever, cheated on you. I loved you with everything I had. I have never slept with Roland or anyone for that fact. You are the only person I have ever been with in a sexual manner." 

As the words filled the room. Lewis looked at Renee, his chest was heaving his gaze was unwavering. The anger at his "cheating wife" was slowly diminishing as he continued to look at his wife as he finally registered the words that she said. 

"YOUR LYING." Lewis screamed. 

"Lewis, you know I am not lying. You are doing what you always do and you are trying to find someone else for your unforgivable behaviour. You're a liar and a cheat. I can sleep easily knowing that I did everything I could to make this marriage work. Roman is my best friend, he and I have never had a sexual relationship. The most we have done is a hug and kiss on the forehead. You have single handily destroyed this marriage not me. The fact that you called me a slut and slag shows me exactly what you think."

I felt a tear escape my eye as I could feel Renee's emotions hum through the room. The tension was thick and suffocating. I couldn't handle her pain, she was one of the best people in the world and she did not deserve the pain that Lewis had given her. I closed my eyes, I knew I should of left the room, I felt like I was intruding but I just could not let her go. 

"Renee..." Lewis whispered. As much as I hated him. I could hear the heartbreak in his voice. His voice was cracking, finally reacting to what she said. Finally realising the mistake he made. 

"No Lewis. I'm sorry but I can't forgive you. I can't be with a pathological liar like yo-" Renee's voice was strong and clear. He started walking towards her

"Renee, listen to me it was a mist-" Lewis interrupted. Renee lifted her hand as if to tell him to stay away.

"No Lewis, it's over. I can't forgive you." She shook her head and wiped the final tear away from her face. She turned me and ignored Lewis. "Roman, get me out of here." She whispered. 

I moved to her and put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to my side as I grabbed her suitcase and moved her outside the house. As we were making our way to the car, I let go of her as she reached the passenger side of the car. Lewis came running out of their house screaming Renee's name. She quickly opened the door and sat inside the car locking the door to stop him from reaching her. 

As I made my way to my seat after putting her suitcases in the boot, Lewis ran up to me bearing his fist and pushing it forward to my face. I swiftly ducked and grabbed his arm and swung it around his back and pushed the dick to the floor. He fell with a thump. He was screaming, shouting and crying hysterically for Renee to listen to him and that he was sorry. I scoffed at his behaviour as I brought my lips to his ear. 

"You are pathetic and unworthy of a Queen like Renee. You deserve to be alone you pathetic piece of shit. This is my one and only warning. Leave her alone. If you don't, I promise you I will ruin you." Disgust laced in my voice as I let him go and left him on the floor to wallow in his misery. 

I entered my car and looked the doors, placed a hand on Renee's and gave it a tight squeeze for comfort. 

"Are you ready?" I asked. 

She nodded her head as we left her husband withering on the driveway. 

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