Chapter Nine

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My eyes were stinging, my nose was twitching. I couldn't help but feel my back crack as my limbs began to stretch. I squinted my eyes shut wanting to avoid the trickle of sunlight that was sweeping through the window. My eyes peaked open, my nose inhaled something so disgusting, it could be compared to rotten eggs or sewers. I couldn't help the gag that was forming in the back of my throat. 

"Oh my god." I gasped out loud. My vision was blurry as I tried to take in my surroundings. I looked around the car. Honestly, do you ever wake up from a deep sleep and wonder how much time had passed? Like am I still in this century? I shook my head and focused on the matter on hand. "Roman, what is that god forsaken smell?" I choked out through my sleepy haze. 

"Yeah, about that. Sorry Ree, I couldn't hold in in any longer." He responded. I could see that his cheeks were tinting a slight red as he shrugged his shoulders holding onto the wheel of his car. Well at least he was embarrassed, whether it was because it farted or because of how bad it smelled, I couldn't guess. 

"My god, what did you eat for something so foul to come out of you." I gasped. I rolled the window down and stuck my head out hoping that the fresh air would smell better than what had come out of his ass. Roman let out a hearty chuckle at my actions. I was sticking by head out the window like I was some type of dog but honestly it had to be better that breathing in his wind. 

"I may have had a dodgy sandwich at the petrol station while you were snoozing away." He explained. "Hey did you know that you snore?" He quickly stated. 

"I do not snore!" I exclaimed as I let out a scoff at his lie. 

"Babe it's okay, honestly if it weren't for your snoring I would have fallen asleep at the wheel." He cheekily replied. 

My hand quickly hit his shoulder. "Shut up you liar. Your just trying to detract from your foul smelling arse. You might wanna get that checked out, it smells like something is rotting inside your body." I retorted. "And what did I say about calling me babe?!" I reminded him. 

"But you are a babe now that I know you snore. Little Miss Piggy." He chuckled out. 

That was it, I was going to kill him. I wonder if I could murder both him and Lewis at the same time. I mean one of them cheated and the other is seriously pissing me off. Maybe I could become one of those woman on that show about woman who snapped. The question was who would cause me to snap first. 

I let out a sigh and reached for my phone. I made sure to put it on airplane mode before I got in the car. I couldn't deal with people's incandescent messages asking me if I was alright or what happened. Those people were most likely busy-bodies who had been waiting for me to fall from grace. For them, Lewis cheating on me was the best thing since sliced bread. I knew that Roman had reached out to the people who mattered, so I knew I wouldn't have to deal with them. 

I knew that the minute we reached his father's house I would experience what he called a media black-out for where we were going was no signal unless you were hooked up to the internet. Roman had all but explained to me that I was not allowed the Wi-Fi code explaining that I needed time away, so that things could settle. 

He was treating me like a child, but I knew that he was doing what was done for him. For his divorce from Liza made the headlines for weeks on end that he couldn't escape. Mine wasn't as high profile as his divorce but because his ex was a vindictive bitch that he shared children with, she continued to make his life difficult. Honestly, I don't understand how Liza could treat someone like Roman so badly. 

He was every girls' wet dream. Handsome with a six-pack, maybe an eight pack after all the hours he has spent in the gym recently. He was successful and a grafter, he had a great personality and also had a full head of hair. One night, I got drunk with Roman and Jack who both showed me pictures of who she had cheated on him with. I mean the list was as long it practical went into a different post code it was so long and when I saw the pictures, I couldn't help but wonder what screw she had loose to choose them over Roman. He was a god compared to them. A very chiselled, muscle defined God.  

I shook my head in disgust, what was wrong with me? All these thoughts were about Roman's body was plaguing my mind. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to lick his impressive six pack. I mean Lewis was nothing compared to Roman, Lewis had a keg hiding under his shirt. I couldn't help but admire Roman's side profile, his eyes were focused on the road ahead. I had no idea where we were, but I was seriously hoping we would get there soon. 

I needed an extremely cold shower to purge my mind from the dirty and lewd thoughts that were running through my mind. I let out a sigh and clenched my legs closed. Repeating the mantra in my head. 

Roman is your best friend, not a rebound. Roman is your friend, not your booty call. Roman is sexy as fuck, but you aren't even divorced yet. 

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the repeating pinging and dinging of my phone. Endless messages from people who were acquaintances sending their condolences. Repeated messages from Lewis apologising for breaking my heart and begging me to give him a second chance. 

I couldn't help but scoff at his messages. Bitch, please you can't break me. I shook my head and clicked the block button on my phone, knowing that if he wanted to talk to me he would have to do with my lawyer. I locked my phone and I caught Roman giving me a sympathetic look. 

"What?" I snapped. 

"Nothing." He shook his head. 

It's then that Roman took a swift right and was driving endlessly into the thick forest trees. They were towering over us and through the gaps of the trees were there spotlights of the rising sun. Everything looked surreal and magical. The windows were rolled down and I could hear the early morning chirps of birds. I couldn't help but sigh out in relief. It was so peaceful and tranquil that I could imagine spending the rest of my days hidden away from the busy world of London and Essex. My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by Roman letting out a small cough. 

"We're here." He said and with that he pulled into the hidden driveway, where I hoped I could take a moment and evaluate what the fuck I was going to do with my life. 

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