Chapter Twenty-Four

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No matter how much I scrubbed my body, I still felt dirty. What happened under the duvet with Jack still makes me shiver. I would never admit that his dick touched my leg. I wanted to gag, who knows what kind of STD stick he had attached to his body. Fortunately that was hidden from the video that my father managed to capture. I know both Dad and Ree' would never let me forget it. 

Ree' had taken the boys out to get some groceries from the shop, Dad wanted to have a barbecue instead of a roast dinner because the weather was so nice. I knew it would be safe for Ree' to leave the cottage without fear of the paparazzi following her. Jack's dad had managed to lay a trail of breadcrumbs that she had left the country and gone on holiday to avoid the press. They currently believed that she was in Spain living up the sunshine. 

Breakfast was quiet this morning, it was only me, Jack and Dad at the table. Jack looked unbothered by this morning's events but my dad was sitting there with a smirk on his face as he munched on his toast. "What time did Renee leave with the boys?" I asked. 

"They left about half an hour ago. You were in the shower, both boys refused to let her go on her own. They wanted to help her carry the shopping. I insured her on the Jeep. She should be back in an hour or so." Dad explained. 

"Brilliant, that gives us enough time to make plans." Jack replied as he tapped away on his phone. 

"Wedding plans for you and Roman?" My dad snickered. 

My father's snipe, wiped the smile off my face. As much as I loved my father and I knew he loved me, he would never let me hear the end of this. I knew that for the rest of his life there would forever be jokes about my snuggle session with Jack. My father was always one for the banter and even I had to admit that if something like this happened to him, I wouldn't let it go.

"Unfortunately not Papa Ray. What me and Roman shared was special and I will never forget it, but he just isn't the one for me." Jack wiped a fake a tear from his eye. My dad simply let out a boisterous laugh, while I just sat there unimpressed. 

"Ahhh, I always wanted you for a son-in-law." My dad teased. "But what plans are you talking about?"

"Renee's plans." Jack seriously replied as he placed his phone on the table. "The press are getting unbearable. The news of Lewis' great betrayal is affecting Renee's image. Not that they are blaming her, but the way they are heading I presume that they will start attacking her character, especially when the news that the person he cheated on is your ex-wife. You will be dragged into this as well which will only bring up old news about your divorce and child custody arrangements with Liza."

"How long do we have until the press releases this information?" I questioned. 

"We have about forty-eight hours till it hits the headlines. Daddy is pulling a few strings so we have time to make plans. Renee can't hide here forever, especially when the attack on her character begins." Jack explained. 

"What do you mean the attack on her character?" Dad furrowed his brow in confusion. 

"Your ex-wife has given an exclusive interview stating that the reason behind your divorce is because you have been having an affair with Renee." 

"WHAT?!" I shouted. "But I didn't even know her when we divorced!"

"Papers and Journalists don't care about facts, they care about what can sell their stories. With the gag order on the custody proceedings between you and Liza, rumours are bound to be created, fake news is only to get bigger and bigger." Jack stated as he places his elbows on the table. 

"You know Renee hates the tabloids, she has always avoided it as much as she could. How is she going to cope with this character assassination?" I sighed as I wiped the sweat off my eyebrow. 

"Fortunately you have me and Daddy. We have already hired a PR group that with divert the news and leak articles in between about the truth of your relationship, that you are just friends and that she is the godmother of your children. But, it won't be enough to stop the exclusive that Liza will be giving. The details of this exclusive is very well hidden, even Daddy can't get the full details on what she has shared." 

"Fucking bitch." I muttered under my breath. 

"Indeed. I always told you I hated her." Jack sung.

"I don't need an I told you so right now." I murmured. "So what do we do now?" 

"Well Renee hiding away here isn't going to help the news that she had an affair behind your back. It will only make her look guilty." Jack twiddles his fingers together like he is some evil mastermind. 

"So what are you saying Jack?" 

"He is saying that you need to go back to your lives and act like nothing has happened." My dad responded. 

"Indeed. It's a shame that Roman didn't inherit your brains Papa Ray." Jack shook his head. 

"Shut it." I pointed my finger at Jack. "You can't expect Renee to carry on like nothing has happened? She's barely holding it together without a drink in her hand." 

"Renee is stronger than you think. Plus her drinking isn't going to help her get past what has happened. She needs her work, she needs a routine, she needs to keep her mind busy."

"He's right Roman, she needs to keep her mind occupied. A distraction is what she needs to keep her mind at bay." My dad sympathetic stated. 

"Right, but how is she meant to do a job in charity if the whole world is going to be against her?" I defended. 

"Simple, Renee is a good person. The papers will try to attack her character but they will become unsuccessful. We will rely on your connections, as well as her's to demonstrate her good character. She has been involved in numerous charities that will willingly speak out for her. Not to mention the many people she has helped through your charity to achieve their dreams. We use the power of social media to bubble wrap her character, so that no matter what the tabloids say, her good nature is protected." Jack said with a smirk on his face. 

"We already have the hashtag ready." He laughed. "JusticeforRenee." 

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