002. we're leaving this place alive

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Chapter Two
We're leaving this place alive.

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"DON'T YOU THINK that it's a bit obvious that we're following them? Can't they see we're behind them?" Kicking her shoes off and placing them neatly under her seat, a quiet yawn escaped from her lips

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"DON'T YOU THINK that it's a bit obvious that we're following them? Can't they see we're behind them?" Kicking her shoes off and placing them neatly under her seat, a quiet yawn escaped from her lips. Clicking her seatbelt in place, Aera made her legs lay comfortably on the cold dashboard.

To the right of him, all that Jun-ho could see were white fluffy socks with embroidered lemons on the side of them, "we'll just have to hope that they won't see us, plus, they would be too busy driving these innocent people to even notice us," he tried his hardest to sound convincing.

"You haven't thought this out properly, have you?" Giving him a sideways glance, Aera tilted her head so it laid restfully on the side of her headboard, even though the car shook along the uneven roads, she stayed tranquil.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Jun-ho drummed his fingers along the side of the steering wheel, narrowing his eyes at the vehicle in front of them as he did so, "it'll work. Trust me on this. The worst thing that could happen is: we get taken away too or they kill us- but, they wouldn't dare, not when I'm a policeman."

"Well that's really reassuring," raising her eyebrows at him with a doubtful chuckle, one that made her heart unsettled.

"Just trust me."

Taking her chances to gaze outside, she remembered when she first stepped out of the stuffy airplane, one filled with angry passengers and fussy infants, it all caused her head to swirl. But when she stepped out of the aircraft and inhaled the air of Seoul, her soul wholeheartedly announced: I'm home.

Even though the window was masked with condensation, Aera was able to see snippets of towering buildings and vivid lights, everything that shaped Seoul as a whole. Feeling a soft smile linger on her face, her chest felt warm. Dragging her finger along the surface of the icy window, she drew on the condensation, creating mini heart shapes. Taking her hand away with a prideful grin, she smiled at her masterpiece.

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