031. a sense of freedom

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Chapter Thirty-one
A sense of freedom.


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THE ARTIC COLD waters hugged at Aera's boots, it swished gentle then clashed against her legs

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THE ARTIC COLD waters hugged at Aera's boots, it swished gentle then clashed against her legs. The below zero temperatures bit at Aera's nerves, causing them to be benumbed. The only thing she could physically feel was pride, tears welled up in Aera's cocoa brown eyes as they flittered, quickly on to the figure that stood before her. Even though her limbs were drenched in a strong numbness, she was still capable of latching her arms around her brother.

A joyed chuckle departed from Jun-ho's lips, the sound came out unsteady as his shoulders kept shuddering from the ridiculous temperature. The siblings were unable to celebrate their reunion earlier on, since they had to be discreet with their plan, whilst being on the ground of the barbaric facility. But they finally made it to one of the facility's escape routes, one that Jun-ho found whilst being undercover as a pink guard. He stumbled slightly from the impact of his sister's wholehearted embrace.

"Thank God you're here," Aera's teeth began to chatter, yet it didn't stop her long awaited words to tumble out of her mouth, ". . . you disappeared after the Dalgona cookie game," she could taste salt on her tongue as tears flowed down her blotchy red cheeks, "I thought something happened-"

"Aera-" Jun-ho sucked in a breath as he felt Aera tighten the embrace.

"- or that they found out about you, or that they took you away, or- or- What happened after that?"


"Did you find the answers we needed? Did you? Or did you find our brother? Wait did you get hurt? Did that disgusting VIP man hurt you? Did the other guards hurt you? Jun-ho? Jun-ho?" Rambling onwards, "Jun-ho," her pulse began to race when her brother didn't respond immediately, the whites around her pupils increased in alarm.

"Aera . . ."

"Jun-ho?- What."

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