016. you can't save everyone

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Chapter Sixteen
You can't save Everyone.


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THE ELEVATOR RATTLED beneath her restless body, the air that ventilated through the stuffy room wasn't enough to dry the sweat that was glued against Aera's skin

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THE ELEVATOR RATTLED beneath her restless body, the air that ventilated through the stuffy room wasn't enough to dry the sweat that was glued against Aera's skin. The amber lights that were dotted around the surface of the walls began to twinkle prettily, almost chuckling manically, Aera brought her finger up to try and 'catch' the lights.

"Hwang Aera, are you okay?" Almost dozing off with his back against the wall, Ali let out a worried sigh.

"Yeah," covering her mouth, an uncontrollable weep began to take over her loud laughter. Aera's strategy of keeping a cheerful expression crumbled as benumbed tears soaked her t-shirt once more, "I'm just laughing because," a hiccup escaped from her lips, "because that Sang-woo guy thought my leg would make you all die. Well guess what, you're living right now . . . losers."

The tears that painted her eyes made her vision blurry, the pounding headache within her skull made her lose focus, everyone's faces were distorted to her. But, she was just able to make out the awkward stance Sang-woo held as he averted his gaze.

"Ah yes, your useful commentary really got us going," Sang-woo mumbled whilst placing an arm on Ali's shoulder for stability.

"It got me going," Ji-yeong pointed towards herself with raised eyebrows, crossing her arms and lowering herself down the wall slightly, she lowered her eyes, they landed on Aera's extended fist. Frowning at first, she hesittantly rolled her fingers into a fist too, before bumping it against Aera's with a small chuckle.

"You see, I was useful, and don't forget, I told everyone to listen to you," hugging her arms, Aera sighed heavily, "you guys don't mind if I go to sleep right now, do you? My arms feel like its been beaten up into a pulp."

"Oh, Lord, protect me," mumbling over Aera's mindless rambles, a religious player kneeled down with his hands clamped together tightly.

The sound of Ji-yeong's tired voice stopped Aera from murmuring any further. "Hey man. Who do you think you're praying to, huh?" Aera propped herself up, weakly, on both her knackered elbows, she hummed to herself as she saw Ji-yeong tilt her head at the religious man. "To God?" Ji-yeong continued, "you think you made it out if there because of God, don't you?"

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