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In the middle of some type of overgrown Forest, which seems to be very far and away from public, we see four young and colorful female, in the middle of walking through and pass by said thick and big area filled with so much trees, the one in front and with a map, seemingly the leader, was a 15 year old who wore a gothic red riding hood style of clothing with silver eyes, was named Ruby Rose, the one behind her, who seems to be nagging her about something, was a 17 or 18 year old who seems to be some type of proper and maybe rich lady, judging by her quality of her white blue dress and equipment, she was Weiss Schnee, nexts to her, who just seems to be simply done with life and could care less about anything, was a 18 or 19 year old who wore basic black and white clothing with a cute bow on her head, was Blake Belladonna, and then finally, last but not least, we see the last member of this four members team in the back, who was also around 18 or 19 year old who wears slightly revealing clothing, had lovely and long black hair and seems to be the one who holds everyone supplies, judging by the very large backpack she holds on her back, this was Yang Xiao Long, and if you put them together, you get 'Team RWBY', Huntresses in training who would become the next generation of Heroes, fighting crime and helping the trouble, they were truly remarkable, though some might ask 'Why Are They In The Middle Of The Forest Instead Helping People?', um, well...

"Just Admit It, We're Lost!"
Weiss yells at her Team Leader with such anger, no doubt being very unhappy with their situation

"I Am Not, I, uh, I'm Just Learning To Read The Map!"
Ruby yells back at her Partner and tries to defend herself, which didn't help her case in any way

"That Makes You Look Even More Like A Dolt, YOU DOLT!"
Weiss screams at the Gothic Red Riding Hood with pure rage

Ruby glares and butt heads with the Ice Queen, who didn't appreciate or liked being yelling at, though before the two could continue their argument, they were interrupted by their third member talking to them

"While I do like listening to you both argue and all that, I must ask you both to shut up and start looking for a place to set up camp."
Blake wore a very annoyed expression and glared at the two arguing, who quickly shut up and listened, no doubt wanting to anger someone who rarely gets angry... Unless it's about racism inequality

"Yeah, I have to agree with the Grumpy Kitty Cat, it's gonna be dark soon, which would be bad if we get caught by a group of Grimm, so finding a place to stay at, at least until our Scrolls are done charging in our portable charger, would be nice."
Yang couldn't help but agree with the one who wore a Bow, as she pulls out a water bottle and take a few considerate gulp and saves the rest the for later, both the Silver and Blue Eyes nod their heads and decided to do just that and stop their argument, for now at least, with that said and done, they ignore the map and just focused on a few places to set up camp, which wasn't really easy, since they were in a Forest with nothing but trees, which was a option, though they would save that idea, only until if they couldn't find a more safer or better place, like a cave or old house, though in their situation, it was become more and more unlikely...

"Oh! We can set up camp over there!~"
Luckily for the entire Team RWBY, not only did they finally make it out of the forest and into a more open area, but they also found a very large and abandoned & broken factory building, which was covered in rust, dust, and plant life

"About time you did something right today."
Weiss crossed her arms and let out a huff, no doubt still not happy that they had to not only get lost, but resort into finding an abandoned area to set up camp in

Ruby looked at her Partner with a pout, both Yellow and Black girls ignore the two and started to walk up and towards the old buildings, who quickly follow and catch up with them, not really wanting to be left behind

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