Say My Name

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A random deer could be seen in the middle of the forest, gently grazing and eating the grass on the ground. As it was minding its own business as it continues to eat, a stick broke off from a tree and fell on the ground in front of the deer, startling the innocent animal. Unfortunately, the deer only had enough time to see over a few dozen mechanical spiders with red glowing eyes before letting out a loud screeching sound as they all pounce and swarm the poor animal. Once these machine spiders were on the deer, they quickly wasted no time using needles and metal strings to sew up the limbs of the animal together to keep it from running away. After it was properly secure and unable to escape, all the techno critters worked together to pick up their prize and take it away somewhere. And that somewhere was the familiar factory itself. Though, from the looks of it, the place seemed to be in the middle of being fixed and remodeled, judging from all the other and different kind of machines that seemed to be busy with fixing the place up. However, the spider machines seemed to just ignore it all and simply brought their catch inside the building. More specifically, bringing it to the Fabrication Machine, who was currently making more life from pure technology. It looked like some kind of butler droid of clockwork this time. The Fabrication Machine then paused with her work when she noticed the critters coming up to her and offering up the deer to her, which she accepted, using one of her many claws to pick up the animal and held it in front of her big red eye, which carefully looked deeply into the animals own optics, which was filled with fear as the deer continued to struggle more to break free. The Talisman that she has quickly opened up before the deer, the animal only had a moment or two to process what it was seeing, before three green beams of light shot out and went into the eyes and mouth of the deer, such a lime glow was so bright that it lit up the entire area, including the watch room that the entirety of Team RWBY were sleeping in. A few were bothered by the glow, but they just continue to sleep and try to ignore it, unaware what was even going on. Luckily, it didn't last long, as the Talisman stopped and closed back up, allowing for the Fabrication Machine to wake back up and open her eyes to see a now limp and seemingly lifeless deer, which didn't effect or bothered her at all, in fact, she instantly changed her attention back to the butler droid she was making, and after a bit more tune up, it suddenly turned on and looked ready to serve. And once the butler droid was activated, the Fabrication Machine simply placed the animal in the servant robot arms, nodding in immediate understanding and walking away to do what it was programmed to do, leaving its creator alone and allowing her to continue to create even more robotic life, with no one there to stop her…

"So what should we do about the big robot?"

A few hours later, all of Team RWBY could be seen wide awake and enjoying a freshly prepared meal together, which had been prepared and served by a few butler droids standing before their respective masters; something they couldn't help but be amazed and extremely grateful for.

"Well we should most definitely report this back to our professors, this is such a great finding after all."

While eating breakfast, they were all engaged in a pleasant conversation with one another; Weiss Schnee was responding and replying to the question that Yang Xiao Long had just asked.

"I don't think we should, at least not right now."

Wearing a thoughtful frown, Blake ate the meat and drank juice made from fresh fruits; even so, she couldn't help but think about their situation.

"Are you saying we should keep this a secret from everyone?"

Ruby couldn't help but tilt her head; she was a bit confused as to why her teammate would suggest keeping it a secret.

"I don't understand why we should, this isn't a simple small thing we can keep hidden like some kind of unwanted pet, it's a large machine contained in an even larger factory, someone will find out about this, with or without us saying anything."

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