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Lestat's POV-

The first half of the ceremony was not so bad in all honesty I just wanted to do all that I needed to do in order to make sure my energy is clear and right. I want to make sure that when I go around her she wouldn't have to feel out of place or like her energy is being drained by me. Though I wasn't one to drain her. I just want to make sure I am in the best vibration to protect her energy. They did the feedings and then we moved everything to the bathroom.

I can't lie I couldn't help but feel drunk from the smell of the herbs. They were giving off this strange strong intoxicating smell. It make me want to get inside and just cover my body in the luscious herbs. I strip naked and get in the shower. After that I get into the bath and they finish their prayers. I get inside and submerge my whole body into the water. Not long after they pray and then burn this strange herb.

As soon as it hit my nose and went straight to my lung I felt it's effects. I started receiving these strong hot and cold flashes. Not long after I was getting flashes of my fuckups when it came to my mate. It showed me being a whore and basically getting caught. Y her many time and then being rejected by her before I could even mark her. Then it shows her leaving and me spending the next five years of my life trying to find her and failing. It drove a stake through my heart.

I couldn't help but to cry and let it all out. I was feeling her pain and so much more. I was groaning and being a little loud but I couldn't help it. I don't want to make that same mistake again. The thought of it makes me die inside. It makes me feel like a weak man who cares nothing about the well being of women. I continued this for what felt like and hour of going in and out. At the end of it I knocked out and went into an even deeper state. I was in this pitch black void and I couldn't see anything. My senses felt dulled.

A weird growl came out of nowhere and soon I felt something push me hard and then attack me with large scratch across the abdomen. I couldn't see so it was hard to defend myself. I tried my best to focus in and then it worked. The fight started and soon I was fighting what looked to be creature far more dangerous that my kind. I fought and fought until I had the upper hand I ripped it's head off and threw it on the ground. Two others came out of nowhere and soon I was kind of being defeated. I don't know how but a bright light came out of nowhere. It looked like someone was coming towards us. They had flowering beads around their neck and sword that was also glowing.  They instantly started to fight. They were accompanied by two other beings. One wore red and black white the other wore all green and black. They all started to fight and I did to. Before I knew it all the dark being were gone. Suddenly the one with sword lit a flame. I was shocked to see Epiphany with her two warriors. They disappeared along with her. One left a key and the other one left a iron lock that was open.I woke up in a pile of sweat. My blood boiling from the intensity of that dream. It felt so real, what the fuck.

We spent the next two days doing physical activities to distract ourselves from thinking too much. At least that's why I thought he we was doing this for us. The dream and whatever it was felt so damn real to the point where I wasn't in the mood to speak. I just couldn't. Especially after the news we received about Epiphany.
Lazarus's P.O.V-
The family was absolutely lovely's the two women and men were welcoming. They made me feel like I was apart of the family. It was as if I had known them for my whole life. We had to get a consultation done. Which told us more about what was going on with us spiritually. After that we received the cause of this and the remedy for it. Apparently we had to feed the saints and receive out protective jewelry. We also had to receive a bath that was supposed to cleanse us and our auric field of any negative frequencies.

I knew that I really needed this. Though I wasn't the type of guy to even do things like this. I am in dire need of help. There is not way I would reject what I am being told to do at this point. I was being played with by a woman I barely knew. I mean I knew her pussy but not her intentions. I was being a dickhead to Epiphany. Knowing damn well she would allow me to feed from her here and there. She gave off enough energy to feed me and satisfy me with just a little drop of energy. I sigh to myself.

My intentions right now was to get rid of this foggy feeling I had in my head and to break the spell. I also want to cleanse myself of all the energies that has attached to me through sleeping with these various different women. So that when it's time for me to be with my woman I can be clean of any sexually transmitted demons.

When they finished feeding the saints and the jewelry. We made our way to our own individual rooms. I took and shower while they made the big bath. They sang songs of protections and said prayers. After doing that I got into the bath. They lit a herb and it started to smoke up the entire bathroom. I immediately felt the overwhelming heavy feeling cold over me. Immediately I was transported to various scenes. All of which entailed me hurting epiphany in the worst ways possible. It was as if I was going back in time and seeing things from her perspectives not only was I seeing it from her perspective I was feeling it. I began to wail uncontrollably.
I then got sent face planting into the memory or what felt like a real manifestation of my memory. Where I took my brothers mate and betrayed him. I felt everyone's emotions and that made me instantly want to disappear from this world. I had cause so much pain and havoc amongst those who I was supposed to be loving to and instead I destroyed every chance of having a pure experience with these people. I waited for what felt like two hours. After that everything went black.

I was immediately transported to a room full of what looked to be demons. I immediately started to fight. But it felt like everything was going in slow motion. I couldn't seem to defend myself the way I wanted to. But it didn't stop me. I continued throwing punches and hitting them. What was weird was the fact that out of nowhere came Epiphany. She started destroying each one of the creatures. Out of no where came two of her warriors. One was dressed in black and white. The other was dressed in green and black. I was surprised, but I continued fighting. After she and her warriors m killed off the others who came out of nowhere. She disappeared and only her sword was left on the ground. They disappeared along with her. One left a key and the other one left a iron lock that was open.
The next day I woke up in a daze. I was deep in thought. I can't seem to figure out what that means. I just felt so clear and overwhelmed at the same time. I was happy for the positive energy The Godfather brought to us. He took us hiking, then we had lunch. We exercised a bit more at the beach and then we went to the house. I had him stop at a store so that I can withdrawl money to give his family. I wanted to give this to them as gift. Lestat caught on and did the same. I'm guessing he had his own experience because he wasn't talking too much either.
After that we went home. The most heartbreaking news came from Lestat's guards. My mate was gone and possibly hurt.

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