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The ceremony had begun, to my surprise I was already able to stand up and walk around. I didn't feel any pain in my lower regions. Like my legs or womb. My pelvic area felt fully in tact's and leveled. There was no sort of abnormal pressure. Lazarus came to be earlier. I got out of bed and decided I wanted to get my bath done right away, I just want to get back into my routine. I don't want to be grounded to this house. If I have to take my kids to work with me I'll do that. I know that everyone wants me to take it easy.

They feel like I'd be putting far too much pressure on myself. When in all honesty that is not the case.  It's a good way for me to spend my time. The house makes me feel depressed. Mainly because i  feel like I'm stuck in a bird cage and not able to fly. I didn't argue much with them. Instead I took it upon myself to make the orders I needed to in order to stick up my new inventory. I was absolutely in the mood to be productive. I was ready to get back into my little flow I had going. I'm not gonna put my kids in anyone to babysit. I can take care of them and work at the same time. Also I must say that he won't go for it because he won't let our children leave the house without being guarded by an army.

I kind of have my plan figured out and he won't stop it. He feels like I should just be a stay at home mom and run the business from online. That's not what I want. So he'll have to deal with it. If he feels like my god parents should watch the kids then he will figure it out. I know how to defend myself, so I really don't need any guards to be on my ass. I hate it it's like my ever step and breath is being monitored by them. If I get a paper cut this man will find a way to get me paper made of cloth. It's ridiculous. I'll be starting up my workouts again and then I'll be back on track with my warrior body.
I know that it pissed him off everyone he saw the scar that his blood couldn't heal from that incident that had happened. It was right by my ovary. That was the most pain I had been in. I thought I would be able to have kids. But I didn't think too negative. I didn't realize that my god mother had done a fertility thing on me through Lazarus. She made sure his seed was fertile. She attached an essence to his seed that made it awaken mine. That's why I can't allow him to ejaculate in me. I would end up having twins again.

This man had such a sway on me. It's like I can't do anything because he doesn't want me to be in pain or work. The only time he wants me to sweat is when I'm working out or having sex with him. The night of the ceremony I realized that we were truly family now. Like there's no type of way I could sever such a bond. We were bound by flesh and blood. My god parents washed the kids in a warm herbal bath, they seemed to enjoy it. They seemed more cool headed and calm afterward. Then she washed me from head to toe and said sweet words and prayers to me. Soon after she did a womb massage with some herbs. Then she went to Lazarus. She did the same for him. Soon after we were rinsed off and clothed in white.

I laid next to Lazarus holding our daughter and he held our son. There was this sense of peace that washed over me in that very moment. I just love the way he makes me feel. Even though he had the tendency to get under my skin, I couldn't help but feel the love from him. " I saw that you ordered a large inventory." He stated more so than asking. "Yes, I'm gonna be making the products and stocking back up." I said to him. "Babe you made about a million dollars on that drop. I feel like you've forgotten about the countless amount of orders you're receiving online. I have friends of family messaging me and asking me when things will be back up and running. That's gonna be a lot of work." He said. I smiled to myself. " that's why I'm grateful for help I'll be receiving from you and my god parents." I said to him. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He pulled me in.

I smiled at him and watched as he put both of our kids to sleep. " he placed them in their room. He came back in and closed the door..He came in and laid right behind me. He watched me as I was deep in thought. " I don't want to you to have to worry about a thing in this life. You will always be take care of. If you don't want to lift a finger. You really don't have to. We can hire employees to or pesky close to us  to do your restock. We can have them sign NDAs and give them s good pay." He said. "Although I like the idea, I'd prefer my to have the help of my family."I said you him. I could tell that he liked the mention of family.

INCUBUS KING *Editing*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora