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There stood the most beautiful woman in the world. At least at this moment, that is what I'm thinking. She had soft, supple skin, long brown hair, and deer eyes. She was the same girl he was staring at in the bar. I immediately felt my body tense up a bit. I breathed in to loosen up. I think I'm going to need a drink. Now I have a new operation. "Lazarus, we got the recent reports from the lab about the vampire blood overdose. I was wildly shaking at that point. Do you mean to tell me that True Blood shit is real?
I held back a chuckle. "There's also some new reports on the wolf murders. The packs seem upset about the vampires crossing into their territory to hunt. If we allow this to keep happening, they will start a war." She said to him. He had this look in his eyes when he looked at her. It's almost as if he loved how she reports to him, and I just realized it... She is his work wife. I broke my attention from them and decided to start the list of things that were located in the binder he gave me. "I'll be back, Epiphany, don't leave the office." He said. He's acting like I'm his puppy or something. You can't tell me to stay and try to give me a treat.

One hour later, I got up from the desk and walked to the printer, and I printed about 200 pages of important information. I then took the next hour to file them and place them in the drawers he seemed to have empty. Am I guessing he doesn't use paper? I sigh in annoyance, and he isn't even here to guide me completely. I don't entirely know what to do. I'm playing a guessing game. I walk out of the office. I need a break and a drink. Something substantial, quick, and straight to the punch. I didn't know this place so well. I needed to find some secret closet with liquor in it.
My incubus only drinks water. I opened a door and walked into the room. It was filled with bottles of wine. The funny thing is that I could hear soft moaning. I kept walking until I saw them. Lazarus and the girl. He was having sex with her, and she was enjoying it. I didn't have any words to say. I mean, what could I say? I already saw it coming. Nothing surprises me anymore. I grab a bottle of liquor and walk out of the room. They didn't notice me at all. I was reticent. I wasn't planning on acting out and embarrassing myself or him.

Why? Now I know he's not my incubus

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Why? Now I know he's not my incubus. Now I know that I can leave this place after the month is up. I'm going to need to find a smoke shop. I can't become an alcoholic, and I also don't wanna smoke weed. So I'll go for CBD. I walk into the office and open the bottle. I chug about 25% of the bottle down. Then it began to hit me. I walked over to the desk and took a seat. I started taking care of the emails he never cared to check and deals he never got to review. He had so much shit on his plate. I was nowhere on it.

The thing I'm going to need to do is to find a way to block my thoughts from his. I also need to start looking for another job. I won't be able to handle the idea of him fucking someone when he's supposedly supposed to be my incubus. He walked in just then. He looked put together. His hair was a bit messier, though. His skin was glowing. I didn't allow him to catch me staring. I looked at my screen and continued to type. I had finished a ton of emails, reports, and more. I know the rest of this week will be a lot of work. I need another job that will balance this one out. Something that doesn't take too much thinking. I sigh. He walks over to the desk and takes a seat. He smelled like sweat. I'm not going to lie; I felt my blood slowly boil. I couldn't do this. But I can't break character and act like something is wrong. I was drunk, and I'm not going to lie. I had half of the bottle, so I was feeling pretty good.

"Wow, you got a shit ton done

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"Wow, you got a shit ton done. Did you take a break?" Did he ask? I was so tuned into my work and thoughts that I didn't even know he was talking. "Epiphany?" He called, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh?" I replied, not breaking eye contact with the screen. I couldn't say anything to him. "Have you eaten?" He asked. I didn't break any eye contact with the screen. "No, but that's okay. I'll be going home right after I finish this." I said. "I don't remember me giving you a schedule." He was Saudi, and I laughed to myself.
I finished up the last of my typing and hit print. I get up and walk over to the printer. I take the 39 sheets of paper and place them into a file and the drawer. It was almost as if he was amused by the fact that I had done so much in one day. I walk over to the computer exiting out of all tabs and turning it off. "You can't leave the office without me." He said. "That's fine; that's why I got an Uber," I said before walking out of the office and shutting the door behind me. I got in the elevator and took it down to the first floor. I sign out and walk out of the building. I get into Uber.
About 25 minutes later, I arrived at the quarters. I got out of the Uber, thanking the driver. I then walk to the smoke shop. After walking for a good 5 minutes, I arrived outside of one. I open the door and walk in. A young female greeted me about my age. She had pale skin and bright purple hair. She also had a septum and dark-lined eyes. Her makeup was immaculate. Maybe she was a vampire. Who knows? I walk around the store for a bit until I spot the CBD. Immediately she came to my assistant. "So I need something that will keep me relaxed and smooth any pain," I said. "This would be great—the CBD tincture. But if you like to smoke. You can use this vape juice and the pen. You'll get a quicker effect, which will hit you harder. You'll feel a lot more relaxed, energized, and focused." She said, placing them together. " I'll get them both. I'll take the tinctures in the morning and before bed. I can vape throughout the day."I replied. "Sounds great to me. I walked to the cash register, and after paying, she set my vape up. It's sort of like a pod system, which is small enough to keep in my pocket. It'll be hard for Lazarus, or anyone, to see it unless I take it out and smoke it.
I take my first puff and then the second. It tasted like pure blueberries. I loved it and the fact that it was 1000 mg of CBD. That's enough to make me not even wanna give a fuck about Lazarus and her. I grab the small bag and place it in my purse. "Thank you so much," I said to her. "Then pleasure is mine." She told me. I walk out of the shop. There was a metaphysical store down the road that said it was hiring when the Uber drove past it. I don't know if I saw things or if this was real. But I'm going to check it out. I walk down the block taking in the beautiful scenery. Everyone was happy. People were eating. Some dancing. Others were walking in and out of the stores. Some had places to go. The weather is pretty decent. It was overcast at the moment. I knew it would start raining in the next hour. I get to the front door and push it open.
I walk inside.

INCUBUS KING *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now