I hope we can be friends..

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The girls are left shocked that the princess that no one ever hears about is in front of them. " H-Hello i-am the 3rd child of Count Heliso, my name is Carme Ariadne Lapetos,  Crown Princess."  Lady Carme bows. The girl next to Lady Carme bows down. " Hello Crown Princess. I'm the heir of Marquess Glaucus, my name is Merope Philomela Argus."  Lady Merope stands up straight and glances towards Kore and glances away. " Hello Crown Princess, I'm the 4th daughter of Baron Demophon. My name is Theia Niobe Lason."  Haruka claps her hands. " Alright well now that we all introduced ourselves let's get to know each other."  The girls were shocked because they didn't expect her to act as she was. The rumours  around the Crown Princess were that she was mean,cruel, and vicious. All the girls called out their maids to unpack their stuff for them. All the girls sit on their beds. The beds were bunk beds. Lady Theia got the top bunk while Haruka was under her, Lady Carme  was next to Haruka and she was the bottom bunk.  Kore was above her. Lady Merope had a bunk bed to herself. " I just noticed there's only five of us, is there only us?"  Kore shakes her head in a yes direction. " I heard there were five to a room."  Carme twirls her hair with her finger. " N-no there's supposed to be six to a room, the other girl was said to be taking a bit of time to get here because she is from one of the elf empires farway from here."  All the girls but Carme were confused. " Wait? Really? That's actually kind of cool."  Theia was excited because her family doesn't fully understand elves so they don't agree with them having rights.

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