Draco POV
After I told my friends about my feelings I feel like a giant stone was lifted off my heart. They were really happy about it and start shipping me with Mia and they name us Dramione I think. I was also surprise that Blaise doesn't kill me by now, instead he's really welcome.

Then I saw Mia stir so I wake her up and told her that we nearly there. Then we start to play telling the truth.

Ginny POV
When it was my turn to tell the truth everyone start to ask me about my relationship with Harry.

" We broke up in the summer already but we are still friends, we realize that we love each other as siblings only. "

Everyone was surprise, I expect them to be though. Then my eyes flick to Blaise. He got a nice body and he's handsome, when he's smile he look so cute. Wait I didn't think that. Ughhhhh, now my eyes were lock with Blaise and we were smiling like idiot. Until we realize that we turn away blushing deep shade red but that doesn't got miss by Mia. She must saw everything.

( This is where Mia was fake sleeping )
I was surprise at what Draco just had said, when I start to think about him there's just butterfly's with firework in my stomach. That's also what I feel when Ron kiss me. Now I know that I Mia Hermione Zabini have a huge crush on Draco Lucious Malfoy. Then I start to stir and pretend to wake up. Draco help me up and told me that we're nearly there.

When I was fully wake up I saw that Draco was looking at the ground and smiling like a child. Then we play telling the truth, after Gin told us the news I was still shock but then see that Ginny and my brother Blaise was checking each other out. Suddenly they turn around and blushing in deep shade red. But it look like Gin has saw me look so now her face was like a tomato.

When it was my turn to tell the truth then there's a silence.

" Who's your crush Mia? " Theo shouted.

I was about to answer until Mcgonagall come to our compartment to tell us to change into our clothes. ( They don't need to wear school robes this year )

" Where are you going? " Astoria asked me when I was about to leave the compartment to change.

" Ummm, I'm going to change." I replied.

" If you are in our group then you must be change in front of us." Pansy add.

I was surprise and didn't move until Draco said that he would block me from everyone. Then I go into the corner and change into a white sweater with a blue skirt up to my mid thighs with a white Air Force 1.

When I turn around Draco was checking me out with his mouth hang open.

This is what I look like and my outfit.

This is what I look like and my outfit

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