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Drew's P.O.V.

Never once did I ever believe that my life would be forever changed because of someone else. That was until I met Teagan, the girl who made my life feel like a dream. For years I didn't think there was anyone else I would love just as much as I love her.

I stood next to the hospital bed, holding Teagan's hand, trying to fight back the tears of joy that want to fall from my eyes. Looking down at her arms, there sat our baby, our newborn son. Our son.

"He has your eyes," Teagan whispered through the smile on her face. Our boy had the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen.

"He has your thick eyebrows," I laughed, rubbing my thumb against his dark eyebrow. Teagan scoffed at my joke, rolling her eyes.

It was until this day that I realised who I could love just as much as her. Him. Drew Scott Starkey. Our baby boy.

Seeing Teagan hold him in her arms made me never want to leave this room, her love for him bounced off the walls. She played with his tiny fingers, talking to him in a high pitched voice, and promised she would love him forever.

"Forever my little Drew," She whispered, smiling down on him. "Here, hold him," she said to me, slowly lifting him into my arms.

I hesitantly reached my arms forward, not having much experience with newborn babies, and grabbed him from Teagan. In my arms, Drew felt light as a feather. His bright blue eyes stared into mine as he made a random noise every couple seconds.

"Hey there little guy," I said, swaying my body back and forth, making sure to hold his head up. His hand came up and fell back down, almost like a wave.

Looking at Drew in my arms, I've never fallen in love so quickly. From the minute Teagan found out she was pregnant, I prayed everyday that we would get a healthy little baby. And we did.

There was a knock at the door, causing Teagan and I to look up from Drew. A few moments later, the door slowly opened and Rudy peeked his head through, followed by Chase, Madelyn, Madison, and Jonathan.

"I heard we have a little nephew," Rudy spoke first, making his way through the hospital room. He set a vase of flowers on Teagan's bed stand and then came over to wear I was stand. "And isn't he a little stud! He got that from me."

Chase laughed from the other side of me, "Ya right, he got that from me," he said, poking at Drew's tiny hand. Another noise came from him which made everyone in the room to laugh.

I stood there, looking down at my son, hearing all of my friends, and glancing at Teagan. Everyone I loved was there with me, everyone who I wanted in Drew's life. I stole a glance at Teagan and smiled, knowing that from this day on I would be the happiest man alive.

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