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The next morning came in the blink of an eye. Teagan woke up on the couch, not remembering falling asleep there.

Though, when she saw Drew sound asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, everything that happened was now back in her head. Teagan looked at the boy, who had a sad look on his face. He kept humming ever few seconds, and stirring back and forth.

Once Teagan realized he was having a bad dream, she shook the boy awake. He shot up in an instant, confused at what was going on.

Once his eyes landed on the girl sitting up next to him, his fast heart beat slowed and his muscles relaxed. He looked at the girl, debating whether he should kiss her or not.

"Oh, come here," Teagan said, pulling Drew into a short and sweet kissed. Drew had a small smile on his face as the girl pulled away and got up from the couch.

A lot happened last night, with more crying than talking. The two laid on the couch in each other's arms, not knowing what to say. Until finally they fell asleep.

Teagan walked behind the kitchen island and started making some coffee, hoping it would help relieve her aching head. Before Drew had showed up at her doorstep, she was with some of the Grey's Anatomy cast. Which meant there was a lot of drinking that took place.

Once the machine beeped, meaning the coffee was done, Teagan poured two cups. She knew that Drew would need one as well, the bags under his eyes gave away his tiredness.

She handed the boy the black coffee, the only kind he would drink. Teagan thought it was gross, and that coffee should only be drank with sweetener and caramel flavoring. But Drew liked his coffee, even how boring it was.

"Thank you," He mumbled from how tired he was. He took a big sip, almost drinking half of it at once. Teagan laughed at the boy as he brought the cup away from his face, showing the coffee droplets around his lips. She brought her thumb up and wiped them away, slowly dragging the pad of her thumb across his parted lips.

The two stared at each other as Teagan brought her hand back down to her cup. She let out a cough before saying, "C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up. You kind of smell."

Drew let out a scoff before playfully hitting the girl on the shoulder. They both laughed in sync as they walked into the bed room the two once shared. Teagan scavenged through the dresser, knowing there was still some of Drew's close left there. He didn't do the best job of packing for South Carolina, leaving more than half of his clothes.

Teagan heard the shower turn on once she found some clothes. She peeked into the bathroom, making sure Drew was in the shower before placing the clothes on the sink.

It wasn't like she's never seen the boy naked before. In fact it didn't even faze her anymore, but the timing right now, wasn't the best for sexual tension. And both of them knew that.

After about ten minutes of sitting out on the balcony, watching cars drive by below, Drew walked out and hugged Teagan from behind. The girl smiled, leaning her head against his. She rubbed her hand side-to-side on the boys arm as they were in comfortable silence.

Finally, Drew spoke up, "I love you, Teagan. And I know I did a shitty job of showing that during the past few weeks, and I am so beyond sorry. I'm just so thankful that you actually let me in the apartment last night. Let alone agree to let the mistakes stay in the past. I really love you. I'm in love with you."

"I love you, Drew. Mistakes are mistakes, and holding grudges is just immature. We're adults in a serious relationship, and I'm not going to let stupid mistakes bring us apart," Teagan replied, the two still in the same position. Drew turned his head and placed a kiss on the crook of the girls neck.

She let out a laugh when he blew on the skin, knowing it would tickle her. Teagan turned around to try and grab him, but he ran off back into the apartment.

They spent the next five minutes running around like little kids, not even caring that they were yelling at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. The two finally fell onto the giant beanbag letting out breathless sighs as they picked up a sweat from the running.

Drew pulled the girl into his arms, as she leaned her head against his chest. Everything was back to normal, but neither of them wanted to bring up the fact that Drew has to go back to South Carolina soon.


A/N: okay but I'm literally IN LOVE with this chapter. i thought id give y'all a cute little chapter to make up for all the pain ive put y'all through HAHA. also check out my account because i finally decided to clean up my account and make a theme, which means new books covers... again. whoops. but anyways, i love you all and big things coming just saying. ok goodbye :)

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