Chapter 2

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The three men were pacing in the study at their home.

"We can't do this! I won't give her to the devil himself." Bill said.

"What we need to figure out is how this clause of the contract went unnoticed by us when we signed the deal." Andrew said.

Bill looked over at Caleb who was sitting on the sofa and drinking his whiskey. Andrew looked at Bill and then Caleb.

"Why are you looking at me? I wasn't that great in the legal deal and I read through the entire the best I could." Caleb said.

"You seriously overlooked such an important clause?" Bill asked a little angry.

"His lawyer must be really clever. I can't help it." Caleb said.

"Okay. Let's not point any fingers." Andrew said.

"I think we should. He is the bloody reason we are in this mess the first place." Bill said as he scoffed in Caleb's direction.

"Bill. We need to think of a way to save her." Andrew said as he sat in the chair opposite Bill.

"When is our meeting with him next?" Bill asked.

"Tomorrow." Caleb answered.

"We don't have anything ready." Bill huffed as he held his head in his hands.

A knock was heard on the door. The door opened and a smiling face popped through it.

"Thought I would bring you some midnight snacks since all of you are working so hard." She said as she placed the tray of snacks on the coffee table opposite the sofa.

"Thank you dear." Bill said as he smiled at her.

"What are you doing up so late?" Andrew asked as she kissed his head.

"Needed a glass of water and I saw the study light on and heard your footsteps so I thought I would bring you the snacks." She answered.

"Thank you sweetie." Andrew said as she sat on his arm rest.

"Some tough business deal huh?" She asked.

"Yes." Bill said as he cleared his throat.

"Well, I hope you crack it soon and go to sleep." She said as she walked over to Bill and kissed him on the head as well.

"I have to go sleep." She said as she left.

She smiled at them and walked off. Bill and Andrew exhaled as they her leave.

The next night they were waiting for the devil to arrive. Suddenly, the door opened and he walked in as he sat down on the chair. He picked up the baseball on the table as he played with it.

"So?" he asked as he looked at the ball.

"We aren't giving you the company or our daughter." Bill stated.

"Oh really?" he asked them as he raised an eyebrow at them.

"We will give you the house we have in Stockholm, our three Ashton Martin's and four diamond necklaces." Andrew said as he put the file down.

"All of it adds up to 1.7 million." Caleb said.

"The deal was 11 million, your daughter or your company and assets." The devil said as he turned around in the chair.

Suddenly the office door opened and the three men looked at it. Andrew and Bill gasped.

"Dad! Bill! Why did I just hear from Ben that a man looking like the devil came in here and has been coming here for a long time? I thought you didn't do deals with him. He also mentioned that you are in debt to him. About 36 million out of which you have paid only 8.5 million. This month's payment has not been made? He also told me that the 8.5 million you got from selling a few of our departments and laying off our employees!" She said as she walked in.

"Sweetie this is not the time." Bill said.

"Is it true or not?" She asked angrily.

The men glanced at the turned around chair hiding the devil who was smirking.

"Sweetie, it is not true and please stop saying devil." Andrew told his daughter.

"Does Demon and tyrant sound better?" She asked.

"Actually, Devil, Demon and Tyrant do seem like synonyms for my name but, I prefer Stefan Black." The devil finally spoke as he turned around and stood from the chair. His eyes widened a little but, they went back to it's normal shape as he looked at the girl in front of him who looked completely frozen and shocked.


I heard the clicking of heels and sweet voice shouting. It didn't sound like shouting. It sounded sweet as a melody. I smirked at the way she called me Devil with spite. If she knew I was here then I swear she would be afraid or embarrassed. But, I also guess that she doesn't know that she would be mine so enough. Not like Townsend is going to give up his company and let his step- children drown along with him. Andrew and Bill were trying to cover up my presence but, it would be impossible considering the fact that she just called me Demon and Tyrant and I love when I must surprise the person who says my name that way.

"Actually, Devil, Demon and Tyrant do seem like synonyms for my name but, I prefer Stefan Black." I said as I held the ball in my hand and turned the chair back to look at the girl. I was taken aback would be no doubt the appropriate thing to say right now. She was beautiful no doubt. I was always around blondes and black haired women but, the dark chocolate brown hair that could be mistaken for a black haired one shocked me. Her eyes were big but, they were hooded and had a black eyeliner on it. She had rosy cheeks that stood out because of her fair skin. She had red lips. She was slim and was wearing a was a grey checks suit was hugging her figure and it had a low neck. She also had a high waisted skirt of the same material that was high enough to cover the little mid waist that was visible. She had the perfect curves and her long, lean legs were covered by knee high length white boots. Her straight hair was cascading down her shoulder and down her back. She no doubt spoke power with style. I thought that was sexy and hot and it would fun to control her when they end up signing the leverage deal.

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