Chapter 22

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The next morning I used Kira's first part of the plan and decide that I was going to be nice. Besides I did want to part on good terms so I did. I went down and sat down right next Stefan and smiled widely at him. He looked completely taken aback and froze.

"Good Morning!" I said chirpily.

"Good morning?" he asked. I looked at him look and hard and then furrowed my eyebrows. He was in tight white thin sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. He was in ordinary clothes. He was not wearing a suit. He worked even on a Sunday.

"Are you sick?" I asked.

"No." Stefan said.

"Did you wake up late?" I asked.


"Are you tired?" I asked again.


"Did you hit your head?" I asked. He frowned.


"Then what's with the normal home clothes. I didn't know you own a pair." I said.

"I have pyjamas." He defended himself.

"Yeah. But, I thought you wardrobe consisted of suits, tuxedos and pyjamas. This is stay at home clothes entirely for normal people." I told him.

"I own stay at home clothes. And why do you keep saying normal people? I am normal." Stefan said.

"No. You are most definitely not. You are the devil, tyrant and demon. Also known as Stefan Black and you keep on working and never take a break." I explained with no mocking tones.

"I don't plan on working today." Stefan said.

"What do you plan on doing then?" I asked.

"I don't know. Relax and unwind." He shrugged. That was it I fell off my stool but, I didn't hit the ground because Stefan had his arm around my waist and pulled right into him. I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"Pinch me." I muttered under my breath. Then I felt a sharp pain on my arm.

"OW!" I yelped in pain, "What did you do that for?" I asked.

"You said pinch me." Stefan said confused.

"Yeah, well that was because this is all so surreal. I mean you taking a break and not going to work or not even working from home. That is extremely weird and I wanted to know that I am not dreaming all this." I huffed. He smirked at me.

"Maybe this is your fantasy," he whispered in a low voice, "And I can make them all come true." He said and I shivered and breath hitched as I saw him smirk. I shook my head and sat back on the stool.

"We should go to the carnival." I said.

"What carnival?" Stefan asked.

"Well, Alan's grandchildren are participating in this carnival. They are raising money for a classmate of theirs who has to have a heart surgery but, doesn't have enough money. Now obviously to attract kids all of the children decided they would host a carnival and earn all their money from putting up shows and game booths. They may not be able to raise a whole lot of money but, they want to give the least they could offer." I said.

"How do you know this?" Stefan asked.

"I talk to Alan. Why don't you ask Mal how his girlfriend is? Or how is his brother? Or how is mother who is helping out with his sister's children?" I asked.

"No. How do you know that too?" he asked completely amused by my knowledge.

"What? I ask Alan and they are friends. Mal's nieces and nephews will also be at the fair. It is going to be this big event. Do you not talk to you Mal your trusted bodyguard about anything related to his life?" I asked.

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