Chapter 23

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The next morning I woke I realised I was in bed. I was still in my clothes that we went to carnival to. My penguin was in my hands and I smiled. Yesterday was such a good day. I decided to shower and get dressed. As I was brushing I noticed my makeup from the night before was gone. I fell asleep in the car. Then it struck me Stefan must have removed it for me. I smiled and got ready. I decided what to wear. After what seemed like an eternity I finally decided to wear a light and dark brown checks suit dress that had belt in the centre. I wore thigh high black boots and let my hair loose. I wore my natural and everyday black eyeliner, red lipstick and walked down to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw Stefan sitting with a pen and paper while eating cereal. I came closer and realised it was oatmeal. That is also healthy. I sat down next to him. I put the cheerio's in the bowl and poured the milk.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He held up a finger. I waited and took ate my cereal.

"I can't decided between Oscar or Owen." He said. I looked at him confused.

"Between the award and the actor. I would choose the actor." I said.

"No. As a name." he said.

"What are you naming?" I asked.

"My prize I won yesterday." He said. I almost chocked on my cereal and coughed.

"Why are you naming the penguin?" I asked.

"Well, you named Pua right? It seemed correct that I name my penguin." He said.

"Can I look at the list?" I asked. He handed it over and ate his oat meal.

"Adam, Kobe, Mac, Walter, Milo, Bently, Bailey, Echo, Tank..." I put down the list.

"These are just random male names. That is not how you name a stuffed toy." I said.

"How does one do it then?" Stefan asked.

"Well, you have to think how you feel at the moment? Or you think about what they remind you off." I said.

"What reminded you of naming your teddy bear Pua?" he asked. I knew his tone was one of mocking me but, I ignored it.

"Well, when I first saw Pua. He had the white, light grey look exactly like Pua did. And the name just seemed to suit it." I said.

"Well, then I must think really hard for naming him. Shouldn't I?" Stefan asked.

"Definitely. Naming a stuffed animal is no funny business." I said.

"Okay. Well, you might want to have breakfast fast. We don't want to late on our first day to work as Mr. and Mrs. Black." He said.

"We are going together?" I asked.

"Yup. What did you think? I bash Adam's nose scream on top of lungs that you are my wife and not come to work together?" he asked.

"Kind of." I shrugged.

"Now, we are friends. Plus friends don't make friends look like idiots." Stefan said.

"Well, I don't really need to help you in that department you do that yourself." I smiled innocently at him.

"Is that so?" he asked as leans over and then began tickling.

"St—sto—stop—it--- Ste---Stefan." I say between the giggles.

"Come on finish your late bite and then we will head to work." He said. I exhaled and finished eating my cereal and walked out. Stefan and I sat at the back with Mal driving us to work. Mal opened the door for Stefan and then Stefan held out his hand for me to take.

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