Chapter 5

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A part of him wishes he could have stayed on the boat. After he had spent a month without seeing any of his companions, his doubts started to come back to haunt him. He was thankful for the witch's company. Han Sooyoung and Biyoo helped to ease his anxieties, not that Kim Dokja would ever tell her that.

It was strange being with Han Sooyoung, since he wasn't sure what kind of relationship they had, but it was an improvement from his previous life of solitude. He found some comfort in her now familiar snide remarks and altogether prickly attitude.

Stranger however, was his reoccurring thoughts of Yoo Joonghyuk. Yoo Joonghyuk with his stupidly perfect looks, and his annoying stubbornness that was somehow endearing to Dokja. For some reason he wanted to witness that brooding face again, even if Yoo Joonghyuk had an annoying tendency to call Dokja out on his lies. Despite his nonchalance Kim Dokja knew Yoo Joonghyuk cared about his companions.

Of course he wanted to see all of them, but there was something more familiar and comforting about Yoo Joonghyuk that they couldn't replicate.

It had been months since he had seen Yoo Joonghyuk, and not even Han Sooyoung's books could distract him from the weeks that passed by. He spent most of his time in Han Sooyoung's cave with the books that were somehow water resistant, along with other things she had found just to pass the time that seemed to stretch out forever.

He wondered why the sunfish hadn't come back. Had he done something wrong?

Ultimately he had convinced himself that he would understand if his friends didn't come back, since they had no obligation to return. He just wanted a chance to say goodbye.

"Quit moping Kim Dokja." Han Sooyoung interrupted his train of thought. She was right of course, but he glared at her anyways. "I know your boyfriend left you, but you don't need to cry about it. He'll be back."

Kim Dokja's eyebrows knitted together,"He's not my boyfriend."

Han Sooyoung smirked devilishly at that, "But you knew who I was talking about."

Kim Dokja ignored her in favor of changing the conversation,"How do you know him?"

She rolled her eyes as if she couldn't believe how slow he was,"Well I had to stay behind to make sure your dumb ass didn't actually die. Where would be the fun in that?"

Kim Dokja stared at her half in shock and half in anger because she could've helped him,"What?"

"You didn't actually think I'd leave you there to die did you?" When Dokja stayed silent she scoffed and then continued,"Who would read my books if you died? Thankfully your boyfriend saved your sorry ass before I had to. Heh, I guess that would make you the damsel in distress."

"I'm not a.." he cut himself off thinking it was better not to argue with the witch, and sighed in defeat,"I'm just worried about them."

Han Sooyoung's mischievous smirk widened once more,"You could always see them yourself you know?"

"And how would I be able to that?" He asked cautiously.

"Easy, I can just turn you human."

He stared in shock at Sooyoung,"What?!"

Han Sooyoung ignored his outburst and opted to search her small living space instead,"Though I suppose turning you into a rat would be more appropriate."She mumbled to herself.

He could only follow her movements with his eyes in curiosity. What was this crazed siren talking about? Could sirens do that?

"Ah! Here it is." She turned around proudly holding a shiny circular object.

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