The Birth of the heroes

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On the 20th of April, a pair of beautiful twins were born, one has brown hair and reddish-brown eyes while the other has ash blonde hair and red eyes, resembling both of their parents. One was named Bakugou Katsuo while the other is Bakugou Katsuki.

Growing up the pair of twins shows incredible intelligence and talent. At the age of 3, they showed incredible intelligence among their peers and were treated differently by others. At the age of 4 Katsuki was the first to manifest his quirk, creating small sparks in his hands as the class cheered looking at him with awe and excitement, complimenting how strong and awesome his quirk is, but Katsuki barely paid attention to their rambles as he ran towards his twin who was in the corner of the room playing with blocks. "Katsu!" He calls, running over to his direction with wide eyes and flushed with excitement.

Katsuo looked at him with his reddish-brown eyes and smiled widely, clapping his hands before opening his arms letting the young Katsuki tackle-hug him. "Congratulations Katsuki." Katsuki buried his head and rubbed his face all over Katsuo's chest, looking up to meet his brother's eyes with his own red ones. "I have a quirk!" Katsuki opened his hands and showed him the small sparks appearing on his palms, Katsuo watched with amazement getting a closer look at his quirk. "Aren't they cool?" He says excitedly. Katsuo nodded excitedly, repeating his brother's words. "They're so cool!" Katsuki hugs him again, his arms wrapped around his waist, grinning widely. "One day, I'm going to be the strongest hero! I'll be number one!" Katsuo patted his head softly. "Of course, Katsuki's going to be the strongest!" Katsuki giggles at his compliment.

"Kacchan!" A boy with bushy green hair ran towards them with wide sparkling eyes and a bright smile on his face. "Kacchan you're so cool!" The boy says. Katsuo remembers the boy's name as Midoriya Izuku, the small quiet boy with a loud obsession with heroes and especially All Might. Katsuo didn't get the appeal of it but still accepted it regardless. "Of course!" Katsuki puffed his chest up and grins. "I'm going to be the strongest like All Might! Me and Katsuo will be the strongest!" Katsuo smiled and started to ignore their conversation, looking at his hands and closing them into fists.

After that Katsuo watched as Midoriya was pushed and shoved away by their other classmates to ask and compliment Katsuki about his quirk, leaving Midoriya planted on the floor watching Katsuki basking in praises. Katsuo watched them on the sidelines,

At home Katsuki and Katsuo excitedly told them about Katsuki's quirk manifestation, both mom and dad were happy and celebrated the occasion. That night Katsuki arrived at Katsuo's room, "Can I sleep here?' He asks. Katsuo smiled and patted the bed. "Come on." Katsuki walked towards the bed and planted himself on Katsuo's chest letting Katsuo cuddle him.

"When are you getting your quirk?" Katsuki asks. "Hmm.... I'm not sure... But when I get them I'm sure it's going to be as strong and cool as yours." Katsuki puffed his cheeks. "Hmph! Of course, it's going to be cool and strong! You're my brother. I just want it to come quickly so we can both be heroes and be the strongest hero, like All Might!" Katsuo laughs and hugs Katsuki tightly. "I hope it's soon so I can help Katsuki be the strongest hero!" "Um!" Katsuki nodded, his face planted, nuzzling on Katsuo's chest making Katsuo feel ticklish, he sighs and loosen his grip on Katsuki. "Let's go to bed, Katsuki."

"Kacchan!" The broccoli boy waves and calls out excitedly. Katsuo only glanced for a second before going back to drawing in the sand. "Let's play heroes!" The green-haired boy said. "Sure!" Katsuki grins. "Katsu! Do you want to play?" Katsuki turns to him and asks, with Midoriya looking at him with hopeful and bright eyes. "Please Katsu-chan..." Katsuo felt his heart be pulled by the cute puppy face Midoriya showed. "Fine, let's play! But!" Katsuo pointed at his twin. Katsuki is not allowed to use his quirk!

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