The Entrance Exam

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Bang! Bang! BANG!

"Wake up Katsu you lazy ass!" Katsuki banged at the door loudly. The man behind the door groaned, face scrunching up in annoyance. "That little bitch... Ruining my beautiful dream that I no longer remember." He mutters to himself.

"Oi shithead you hear me?!"

"Yeah! Now can you kindly fuck off!" He shouted back

"Don't be late, or else I'm dragging your ass to the Entrance exam!"

Exam? Oh... right! UA's Entrance Exam! Totally didn't forget about that. Katsuo jumps out of his bed and begins to get ready before going down and having breakfast with the rest of the family.

"Good morning." He says.

"Good morning."

"Come on, sit down." Mother and father greeted him with a smile.

"You slowpoke, eat quickly." Katsuki nudge his side

"Okay, Okay~"

The twins ate in silence before their mother asked them. "Are you nervous?" she says in a teasing tone.

"Hah?! Nervous? Why would I be? I'll place first in the exam!" Katsuki says confidently, earning him an annoyed look from their mother. "I'm nervous, but I'm sure I'll do great." "Of course you'll do great." Their father patted their head with a smile, he smiled back. Katsuki stood up from his seat. "Come on, let's go, we'll be late." He said before draping his bag on his shoulder.

"Coming~" He follows behind and grabs his bag.

"You two Goodluck! Do your best!"



"Sure do~" He chuckles, waving goodbye to his parents.

The Bakugou twins arrived at the gates of UA. Katsuo took a long deep breath and stared with amazement. In front of him was the school the twins had always dreamt of attending. "Amazing." He mutters to himself. "Oi! Are you just going to stand there or what?" Katsuki shouted at him before turning around and stomping away. Katsuo jogged to catch up, pulling his scarf more to his face, nuzzling at the warmth it gave. He really dislikes cold temperatures, he thought to himself. He looked up to see a familiar figure, the bushy green-haired Midoriya who took a step and immediately tripped on his own feet. "Pfft--!" Katsuo covered his mouth to suppress his urge to laugh out loud.

Thankfully he was saved by some girl with brown hair and a round face, the two talked for a second before the girl left leaving Midoriya standing there looking stupid. Katsuo walked towards him and grabbed his shoulder. "Yo!" Katsuo smirks at the nervous boy, who flinched after hearing his voice. "It seems like you're really set on your dreams, well I wish you goodluck," he said before catching up to Katsuki who glared at him. "What took you so long? What? Thinking of backing out?" Katsuo scoffs, "I was just admiring the school, and even if I wanted to back out you wouldn't let me."

"Che, whatever, it was just a waste of time."

"Says the one who wouldn't stop obsessing over it for years."

"Shut up!"

Katsuo and Katsuki found their seats, with Midoriya soon following next to them. Once everyone was quiet, the dark room started to light up revealing the Pro Hero, Present Mic! "What's up UA candidates! Thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ, come on and let me hear ya!"

"...." He was met with silence, Katsuo can't help but crack a smile.

"No cheer? Alright, let's skip to the main show." Present Mic once cheered again only to be met by silence once again. Midoriya on the other hand looks like he's having the time of his life, muttering uncontrollably. Katsuki told him to shut up while he listen amused by his crazy hero fanboying. Present Mic explains how the practical exam works. Katsuo looked at his card. He was set on battle center E while Katsuki and Midoriya were set on battle center A and B.

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