Chapter 7

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Ione exited her bedroom in a hurry, her long nightgown flowing behind her. It was the first time that she was going to cook breakfast for the gods and she was giddy with excitement... but she can't help but be anxious as well. After all, she's not just cooking for some nobleman's daughter. She was going to cook for literal gods. Gods who were most likely never served a single mediocre meal during their entire existence. She felt her anxiety slowly rearing its ugly head again. What if they don't like it? What if she was too arrogant and got ahead of herself-

"Lou Vhayma?" A voice brought her out of her reverie. She looked up to see Chunghwa and Joongi curiously staring back at her. The two also woke up extra early to help her cook breakfast. She shook her head to get rid of those pesky negative thoughts. That's right. Now is not the time to worry about such things. She looked back up to the two with a determined smile."Let's start, shall we?"

- - -

It was when they were more than halfway into the cooking that Joongi suddenly sighed exasperatedly. "Is there a problem, Joongi?" The goddess asked, worried that something went wrong with the dish they were preparing. Chunghwa chuckled in reply, confusing the poor girl. "Oh, there's nothing wrong with the dish, Lou Vhayma." And then, she nodded towards the door. 

There stood the seven gods, awkwardly pretending to look around the room and not flustered about getting caught peeking. Ione can't help but chuckle. It was a comical sight, a strong contrast from when she first met them. It seems that these seven men actually have a cute side to them that mortals don't know about. She doesn't know why but, the fact that she's one of the few who knows about this side of them gives her a strange feeling. A strange yet pleasant feeling. The same thing could be said about the gods. Knowing that they were the cause of her laughter made them feel warm and happy too... 

But of course, Joongi just had to be a spoilsport. 

"Lou Vhalir, please return to your chambers. You don't want to distract your queen now, do you?" A big frown painted Taehyungs face as he slowly followed his brothers, who also seem to be taking forever to leave. He took one last look at Ione, silently pleading to let them stay. Ione also seems to want their company as she cooks. It's like there's a muted feeling of something pulling at her chest as if telling her to close the distance between herself and the gods. 


It didn't even take a second for the men to scamper back to the doorway. "They can stay if want to. I mean, they did wake up pretty early to come down here." She couldn't help but blush when she saw their gigantic smiles. Just imagine being the receiver of those godly smiles. She's surprised she didn't faint on the spot. When she realized that she was openly staring at them, she turned back to the now boiling pot of broth to hide her blushing face. The gods took this chance to sneakily send a triumphant smirk at Joongi, who just sighed and rolled his eyes at his masters' childish behavior. Despite that, he was inwardly pleased that the gods were more lively and happier than before. 

- - -

Breakfast was served and Ione could feel the nervousness slowly creeping up again. Did she cook too much? Did she cook too less? Does it even taste good? She couldn't bring herself to take a bite. Trying to be subtle, she glanced at the gods who are still deciding which dish to try first. What's taking them so long to taste it? She hoped that they could not hear her heart hammering in her chest. Droplets of sweat trickled down the back of her neck as she waited. Thank the Ancients Jungkook decided to put an end to her misery and took a bite of the lamb skewer on his plate.  Ione felt like there was something stuck in her throat that was too difficult to swallow. 

"Dear Ancients! What did you put in this?!"

She flinched. That's it. She's going to die because of a lamb skewer... 

"It's so good!"

Ione blinked, not quite processing what the earth god just said. Did she hear it right? "Indeed. This beef dish is absolutely delicious." She turned to Yoongi who was eating the bulgogi with rice. They liked it? She didn't have the opportunity to ask as the other gods let her know they did with moans and groans, which sounded borderline sensual. Well damn. Is that how they're going to sound in bed-Whoa there! Ione gasped at her own thoughts. She fanned her face in an attempt to get rid of those inappropriate images in her head. Nope! Let's not tread that dangerous territory. 

"What the heck, Namjoon!"

All heads turned to the god of love, who was now trying to dry his wet robes. Namjoon, who sat across from him, was busy coughing behind the table napkin. "What happened, brother?" Hoseok asked while Taehyung help the eldest dry off his clothes with a soft breeze from his hand. "N-nothing!" He squeaked, his face slightly red. And when he met Ione's eyes, he blushed even more before quickly looking away. Ione's eyes gradually widened as she realized something. Can the god of wisdom read people's thoughts? The god in question, while still looking away, nodded subtly to answer her question.

...Can the floor please swallow her right now? 

"Ione? Are you alright?" Jimin's question snapped her out of her reverie. Ione only nodded and quickly filled her mouth with food, trying to hide her embarrassment. She looked like a chipmunk with her cheeks puffed out and yet the god still found her adorable. This woman is going to be the death of him. 

"By the way, Ione," Jungkook called out to her. "After what happened yesterday, my brothers and I have been meaning to ask if it's alright with you to spend a day with each of us. W-We could show you around, answer your questions, if you have any, and basically just...get to know each other?" The earth god never knew how nerve-racking it was to ask a lady out on what sounds like a date. Technically speaking, it kind of is a date. He felt his cheeks grow warm at the thought. Thankfully, his brothers are too busy waiting for Ione's reply to even notice him. They would never let it go if they did notice. "Oh... Of course." Ione replied after swallowing her food. Hearing her reply brought smiles to the gods. 

"So, who's first?"

Author's Note:

Yes, I am alive. Although, the amount of work I have on my hands just might kill me. T^T I'm not entirely okay, but I'm doing better. Anyway, I want to thank all those who supported this story despite the delayed update. I love you guys. You make me feel loved. I hope you like this chapter. The writing might be a bit weird and all over the place since it's been so long... But I still hope you continue to support this story.  Thank you~!

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