∆ Prologue ∆

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Gravity Falls - Fearamid

3rd POV

Bill in his giant form could be seen re-entering the main room with Dipper and Mabel in his hand.

Bill Cipher: "Alright, Ford. Time's up. I've got the kids. I think I'm gonna kill one of 'em now just for the heck of it!EENIE..MEENIE...MINEE." His eye switches between the pine tree and shooting star symbol with each word, then ends on the shooting star.

Bill Cipher: "...YOU!!" He holds up his other hand, getting ready to snap his fingers but before he could do it someone interrupted.

Stan'ford': "Wait! I surrender." Stanley said while wearing Ford's clothes and imitating Ford's voice.

Bill Cipher: "Good choice." He drops Dipper and Mabel as he started to shrink and get closer to them.

Stan'ley': "Don't do it, Ford, it'll destroy the universe!!" Ford said while wearing Stan's clothes and imitating Stan's voice.

Stan'ford': "It's the only way."

Bill Cipher: "HAHAHAHA! Oh, even when you're about to die, you Pines twins just can't get along." He drops the cage and ties up Ford.

Stan'ford': "My only condition is that you let my brother and the kids go!"

Bill Cipher: "Fine."

Dipper: "No, Grunkle Ford! Don't trust him!"

Bill Cipher: "It's a...DEAL!" He holds Stan's hand, then enters the mental realm.

Bill Cipher: "Ahaha! Hahaha! AHAHAHAHAHA!" He enters Stan's mind.

Bill Cipher: "Oh, I'm here. I'm finally here! Look at this place: a perfect, calm, orderly void. Gotta hand it to ya, Ford. You really know how to clear your m--" He opens the door to see Stan on his chair in the Mystery Shack's living room with a paddleball.

Stan makes a clicking sound and points a finger-gun at Bill.

Bill Cipher: "WHAT?!"

Stan: "Heh heh! Do a pretty good impression of my brother, don't I? Switch clothes and no one can tell us apart. Welcome to my mind. Surprised you didn't recognize it."

Outside of Stan's mind, Ford takes off Stan's fez and pulls out the memory erasing gun. He enters "Stanley Pines" and aims it at his brother.

Bill Cipher: "WHAT?! The deal's off!!" He turns around but the door shuts.

Bill Cipher: "What the...No, no, no, no!"

The room starts to burn with blue fire.

Stan: "Oh yeah. You're going down, Bill. You're gettin' erased. Memory gun. Pretty clever, huh?"

Bill Cipher: "Y-you idiot! Don't you realize you're destroying your own mind, too?!"

Stan: "Eh. It's not like I was using this space for much, anyway."

Bill Cipher: "Let me outta here! Let me OUT!" He grunts.

Bill Cipher: "Why isn't this working?!"

Stan: "Hey, look at me. Turn around and look at me, you one-eyed demon!" Bill turns around and looks at Stanley.

Stan: "You're a real wise-guy, but you made one fatal mistake: you messed with my family."

Bill Cipher: "You're making a mistake! I'll give you anything!" His eye shows a picture of a dollar sign, a star, a pot of gold and a galaxy.

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