∆ Chapter 5 ∆

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3rd POV

The rating game between Rias and Riser has finally begun. Issei and Koneko were entering the gym.

Issei: "Wow, even the interior looks identical."

Koneko: "Enemies."

Xuelan: "I know you're there, Gremory servants."

Issei: "Sneaking in is useless, huh?"

Xuelan: "The rook and the unusually spirited pawn, huh?"

Xuelan: "Though, Mira defeated you instantly."

Issei: "It's that girl!"

Mira: "I'm Mira, a pawn."

Xuelan: "I'm Xuelan, a rook."

Ile: "I'm Il, a pawn!"

Nel: "I'm Nel, also a pawn!"

Koneko: "That rook's level is quite high."

Issei: "High?"

Koneko: "Her combat ability alone may be at the level of a queen."

Issei: "Seriously?"

Issei: "Well, it's not like we didn't know we'd be at a disadvantage. We can't back out now!"

Issei: "Boost!"

Ddraig: "Boost!"

Koneko: "I will handle the rook. Issei-senpai, please take the pawns."

Koneko: "At least run and keep them busy."

Issei: "Don't worry about me. We have a good chance of winning!"

Issei: "All right, let's go!"

Meanwhile at Riser's base.

Riser: "I knew they'd attack the center first."

Riser: "Tell me how the other team's doing."

Yubelluna: "Yes. Three pawns, Schlia, Marion, and Bulent, are attempting infiltration."

Bulent: "It's getting really foggy."

Schlia: "A trap? Nothing I can't handle."

Bulent: "This is child's play."

Marion: "It's a cute trap you'd expect from a beginner."

Back with Issei and Koneko.

Issei: "Koneko-chan!" He yelled as he was dodging Xuelan's attacks.

Xuelan: "Not bad-" She suddenly got hit by Koneko.

Xuelan: "Who the hell are you?"

Koneko: "Rias-sama's servant."

Ile and Nel then started chasing Issei with their chainsaws as he run away.

Ile: "Rip it, rip it apart!

Nel: "Rip it, rip it apart!"

Ile: "Running won't save you!"

Nel: "We're gonna disassemble you!"

Issei: "Don't say stuff like that with such a cheerful voice!"

Ile/Nel: "Rip it, rip it apart! Rip it, rip it apart!"

Issei: "Also, I don't want to get disassembled!" Mira then appeared next to Issei about to hit him but he managed to dodge it.

Mira: "What?!"

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