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Ting Shuang’s heart shifted up into his mouth.

It was coming.

“Explain what happened to the house.” Bai Changyi said.

“I, I moved out…” Seeing that he’d really made Bai Changyi angry, Ting Shuang felt a little guilty, but thrilled at the same time, “Is that not okay…”

Not okay?

Of course it wasn’t.

When Bai Changyi recalled the scene at home, his feelings were unbearable.

Those kinds of unbearable feelings shouldn’t have appeared in the first place, because in all his previous relationships, he’d always emphasized independence and mutual respect, and ensured that both parties had enough personal space and time.

When he saw Bai Changyi’s expression darken, Ting Shuang started his reckless explanation cautiously, “I even… I cleaned up for you before I left… Didn’t you always want me to put things back in their original place… This time… this time I helped you put everything back in place…”

Cleaned up?

Did that mean putting all the toilet seats back down?

Bai Changyi’s expression turned even uglier, “And you’re proud of it?”

“No, no…” Ting Shuang quickly and modestly denied, “I just did what I ought to… I will continue working hard, yes…”

He’d continue working hard?

Bai Changyi wasn’t just a little bit angry.

This was completely different from the type of relationship he was accustomed to. What they accepted and what they didn’t accept, what they were comfortable with and what they weren’t comfortable with, both parties would list them out clearly one by one. If they could respect each others’ preferences, then they’d continue the relationship. If not, then they’d break up.

This little bastard in front of him hung any unhappiness he felt on his face, yet when asked for the reason, he’d refuse to say a single word. He thought he should have calmed down after two days. But in the end, this guy straight up showed him what “Bye Felicia” looked like.

From start to end, Bai Changyi couldn’t even figure out how he had offended this little bastard.

“Come over here.” Bai Changyi said with a calm expression.

“W-what do you want?” Ting Shuang was originally two steps away from Bai Changyi, but after hearing that, he immediately hid behind his bicycle.

After hiding, he realized that his behavior was very childish, so he came out from behind the bicycle and moved to stand in front of Bai Changyi, looking up, “… I’ll come over if you want. What did I do?” He put on an innocent look.

“Just how did I offend you, for you to do something like this  to me?” Bai Changyi said with a low voice.

“Nothing… What did I do?” Ting Shuang blinked. His heartless behaviour was extremely infuriating.

Bai Changyi stared at Ting Shuang for a long time, realising that he didn’t actually know how to deal with this little ancestor.

A talk? The little ancestor wouldn’t cooperate.

A beating? Against the law.

If he let it be for another two days, he didn’t know what kind of trouble this little ancestor would stir up.

If he just forgot about it…

He could.

But he didn’t want to.

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