! safety.hazard !

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tommy - six years old
wilbur&techno - twelve years old
phil - thirty two years old


tommy had always loved his older brothers, when ever he had the chance he would follow them around and would always copy what they did. he wanted to be just like them when he grew up.

he would sit in the garden for hours on end watching techno train with his sword in awe, he adored his older brother and wanted to be a fighter just like him. he would sneak into technos room past his bed time and would make him read him greek mythology, he didn't understand it but he pretended to just to spend time with techno.

when he wasn't with techno he would be with wilbur listening to him play his guitar, wilbur had played guitar for about a year and was getting really good at it. tommy was his biggest supporter ever since he started, so were his family but tommy was always cheering him along even when he messed up telling him it's fine and that he should just keep going which he did.

the siblings would always go out on adventures together and today they were out in the woods, they weren't far away from the house because they were with tommy. phil would never let them go far with tommy, it's not that they didn't trust the boys, he didn't trust tommy to not get injured.

"techo!" the six year old boy shouted a little too loud "can we climb that?" he pointed up to the tree with his small arms.

"no" wilbur interrupted "that's not a good idea tommy!"

"come on wilbur don't be boring" techno smirked.

"yeah wilby don't be boring" he giggled.

"fine, but don't blame me if it goes wrong alright!" wilbur exclaimed while sitting down next to a tree.

"whatever wilbur stop being a dick" techno replied

"yeah wilby stop being a dick" tommy repeated while giggling again.

"tommy, don't say that again alright?"

"okay techo!"

"right you go first tommy and i'll follow after you"

tommy nodded in response and began to climb up the trunk of the oak tree, it wasn't incredibly tall but it was humongous for the young boy as he climbed it gripping on to it with all his strength until he reached a branch that was thick enough to hold him.

techno followed not far behind him, he was able to catch up to him quite quickly as he had better upper body strength than tommy which isn't surprising as he is double his age and does a lot more physical activities than tommy.

when they both got onto the branch techno realised how high they actually were so he held onto tommys t-shirt just in case he fell which wasn't unlikely when it came to tommy.

the young boy leaned over slightly making techno grip onto his shirt even more "look wilby! i'm so high up!"

"yeah tommy you look cool but i think you should get down now!"

"no!" he sulked while sitting back into his position from before

"yeah he's right tommy let's get down, dad will want us back soon"

"i don't care! i wanna stay!" he practically screamed as his temper tantrum began which wasn't uncommon to them.

"fine! do you want us to go get dad?"

tommy wasn't scared of techno and wilbur but he was scared of their parents, they weren't bad or anything, they loved him so much but when he was in trouble he got put on the naughty step which he did not enjoy.

"no, i stay here!" he exclaimed while moving further down the branch out of technos grasp.

"alright wilbur let's go then, leave tommy here all night and forever!" techno shouted down to wilbur while slowly moving backwards pretending to get down from the tree.

tommy began to panic, he didn't want to be left alone on the tree all night and forever just like techno said. he tried to catch up to techno by spinning round on the branch but his leg didn't make it all the way over leaving tommy hanging.

"ahhh techo help!" he cried out in fear.

"yeah i'm coming tommy" he reassured him before shouting down to wilbur "go get dad!"

"alright" wilbur replied while darting off back to the house.

"techo i'm scared" he whimpered.

"i know tommy, i'm coming to get you hold on" he told the boy while shuffling closer and closer.

as techno got closer tommys grip began to deteriorate and his hands were slipping and not long after he plummeted to the ground, he cried out in pain as he landed on his arm and hearing it crunch.

while techno climbed down the tree phil and wilbur had made their way back to tommy, phil picked him up bridal style and carried him out the woods to their house whispering comforting words while the two boys followed behind.

"alright boys get in the car we need to go the hospital" he instructed them to which they nodded and got in the car.

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