! teething.toddler !

380 11 4

tommy - two years old
wilbur&techno - nine years old
phil&kristen - old


they arrived at the sunny beach that was surprisingly not that busy, phil folded up tommys pram and began walking onto the beach with his family. the boys had their swimming trunks on because it was a hot day so they were desperate to go in the ocean but of course they had to wait for phil to come in with them.

kristen didn't want to go in and swim or whatever so she decided to stay with all their things on the sand as well as getting a tan while she's at it.

as soon as they were ready to get in the water phil lifted tommy up and began to run into the beach while the toddler giggled and the two other boys followed after him. as they got to the water tommy let out a huge squeal which brought phil to a halt.

"what's up toms, do you not want to go in?" he asks.

"no i wan get down!" he says.

"alright but you can't go too far into the water"

"okay daddy"

phil places him down and he ran instantly towards the water, tommy loved anything to do with the water. he loved baths especially, he had been swimming since he was a baby because phil and kristen wanted him to be able to know how to swim as early as possible.

he watched all the three of the boys as they splashed about while making sure they didn't go too far into the water, he smiled as tommy jumped over the waves and wilbur and techno splashed about in the water.

"daddy go to mummy" tommy said.

"you want to go sit down with mummy?" he asks and tommy nods "alright, wilbur and techno you'll have to come out of the water while i go take tommy back"

"what!" techno groans "that's not fair!"

"techno" he gives him the look "i'm serious, you two need to wait till i get back"

"i want to play in the water though!"

"yeah that's fine, i'll be three minutes tops so wait there"

"fine" he huffed.

tommy ran in front of phil as he walked over to kristen, once tommy got to his mum that was lying down on her towel he jumped onto her stomach making her jump and groan.

"hello tommy" she chuckled.

"he wanted to come back and sit with you, i better get back to techno and wilbur because they aren't happy"

"alright" she nods as phil jogs back to the twins "do you want something to eat then tommy? or do you want to make a sand castle?"

"sand castle!"

"alright, go grab it"

before they got to the beach they had purchased there's buckets shaped like castles for each of the boys in different colours so they knew who's was who's, tommys was the red one, wilburs was the yellow one and technos was the pink one.

tommy grabbed the bucket and kristen began to help him fill it with sand although he insisted she shouldn't he failed multiple times at filling it up so she just chucked sand in when he wasn't looking.

when he tried to pick it up it was too heavy for his little limbs resulting in kristen flipping it over quickly so no sand falls out, he gives it two taps with the bucket like kristen told him to before they both pulled it up revealing a sand castle making the boy squeal out in excitement.

as tommy awed over his new sand castle phil watched over the two boys playing in the water making sure they don't go far in, sure they were good swimmers but he would rather there wasn't any casualties.

kristen began reading her magazine as tommy sat quite contently playing with dug in the sand.

eventually, tommys curiosity got the best of him and he grabbed a handful of sand shoving it in his mouth. he immediately spat it out all over his mother making her jump slightly.

"tommy!" she wiped her t-shirt where the sand landed and quickly noticed him trying to empty his mouth "do you want a drink?"

he nods his head aggressively and she quickly grabs his water bottle handing it to him, he cups the bottle with his two hands gripping tightly. he grimaced as he swallowed the grains of sand and they hit the back of his throat.

"yucky!" he said.

"yes that's why we don't eat sand" she told him smiling.

"i'm sorry" he frowns.

"it's alright toms i'm not mad, just don't do it again"

"okay" he says as he begins playing with dug again.

after another thirty minutes phil came back with the younger two who were shivering although the sun was shining, phil grabbed their towels from the bag and wrapped them both up in them.

"shall we get going then in a few minutes?" phil asks.

"yeah, tommys getting tired and i think these two are aswell" kristen nods as she strokes the top of tommys head that was resting on her side.

"alright i'll start packing this up, do you want your t-shirts boys?" phil questions gaining a 'yes' from all three of them.

he gave them all their t-shirts and helped tommy put his on because he usually puts his the wrong way round when he tries or his head ends up in an arm hole.

kristen picked up her towel and folded it, as they got off the beach and onto the path phil unfolded the pram, tommy sat in it instantly as he was super tired and kristen strapped him in so he wouldn't wriggle around too much and fall out.

"dad i'm tired" wilbur says.

"you wanna get on my shoulders?" phil asks.

"sure!" he nodded enthusiastically.

phil knew that techno wouldn't want to be carried by his dad because he was a 'big' boy and was strong enough to walk back to the car on his own where as wilbur didn't care he just rested his head on top of his dads slowly drifting off to sleep until the only child awake was techno who walked in between them all.

they got to the car and as soon as they got in the three were all fast asleep in the back which phil and kristen were overjoyed about because that meant that they could take them to bed and have a night to themselves without being interrupted by their boys, every time they try to watch a movie it always ends up getting paused halfway through and never finished.


alright that's it for this three part one
shot but if you have any requests feel
free to ask!!

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