you mean...I HAVE TO TALK [3]

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//tw- implied self harm, mentions of calories. That's it :) I think//

~Tommy POV~

Phil jumped up and raised his hand up. He was surely about to beat me for running off. And yeah it is terrifying but what was I expecting? All I could do was brace myself for the coming blow I was about to receive.

Yet it never came, instead it was replaced with a gentle hand on my cheek moving my head around to check if I was ok.

Opening my eyes I was met with a very concerned older man.

"Oh God tommy, are you alright I'm so sorry did I do something? Are you hurt?" He sounded so concerned....weirdchamp old man.....


"I uh yeah I'm fine um why didn't you uh like slap me?"

Puffy looked sad, Phil looked even more concerned if that's even possible.

"No Tommy why would I ever do that?"

"I dunno that's what most people have done whenever I did something wrong. That's just how it's supposed to go right?" I really don't understand why he didn't hit me, honestly, that's what all the adults are supposed to do when kids misbehave at least that's what has always been done to me.

"No... It isn't...." The old guy looked like he was about to start crying what the hell-

"Oh? Eh whatever. But uh anyways you guys aren't mad"

Both Phil and Puffy shook their heads sadly like I was dying or something why is all this so fucking weird.

"Uh ok then can we get this over with?

"Well Toms there is no need" Puffy said.

"Oh? Ok so he is mad at me? Ok well what's new I'll go talk to Ranboo then" I started to get up when puffy decided to interrupt my moment..

" No Tommy that's not what I meant, please sit back down" of course I listened

"Ok so Phil has asked how you would feel about him fostering you?"

"I uh I'd love that" honestly best thing to happen to me all year, Phil he's really nice and stuff. Oh yeah I forgot though.....

"But I'm not sure that that's the best idea, I mean I'm me you know that Puffy. I'm not going to last there...." I turned to Phil and continued "Look sir as much as I'd love to be fostered by you, I'm sure you'd regret that decision later, I'm not a fun kid I'm loud and annoying and I don't listen and I'm really rude-"

"Tommy I've seen your file I know what it said I know what other people have said about you I know all of that but you don't seem like that kind of kid right now, and of course that may change but I still think you deserve a chance? So what do you say Tommy?" Honestly I didn't know how to react. The only thing I could do was nod.

Puffy smiled and said "mk well Tommy how about you go upstairs and go get your things together? Yeah? Phil and I are going to talk and do some legal things, come back-"

"-in here with all your stuff later make sure you've said your goodbyes, be ready mentally and physically, take your time" I finished for her, I've heard that stupid motherfucking phrase 200000000 times it's never going to be less annoying.

Puffy nodded "yeah that's right now scram ya little gremlin"

I smiled and stuck my tounge out at her and then just walked out silently sticking my middle finger out at her behind my back.

Now I'll be honest I totally forgot Phil was there for a second meaning that I just completely and utterly screwed up and now he probably hates me. Awesome.

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