I'm here. [7]

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I'll be honest when Phil told me another kid was coming I wasnt that happy. Sure I was happy that did was doing stuff he enjoyed again and I was happy that some kid who's probably gone through hell and back was finally getting to go to a place where they would actually be loved. Buttttttt;  I didn't want another kid around. When I got to Phil's when I was 8, Wilbur was a dick to me. He screamed and said shit and was always in bad mood. I didn't want that to happen again, much less did I want some innocent kid to feel like what will end up probably as their brother hates them.

I didn't know it would be this bad though.

I didn't know that when I walked into this little boy's room I would see him holding an exacto knife blade against his skin and both his arms covered in his own blood. Trembling; afraid; dying at the hands of himself.

And it was this moment, this second, this view; I saw my little brother. Not Wilbur, Tommy. It was now I realized that this kid no matter what, is my brother. Mine. Because that's what he deserves, and I think he could really use someone like that too. And maybe It'll be good for me too. But now he needs me.

I rushed over and gently took the knife from him. Seeing him shivering and crying.

-- Flashback --

Techno was there, in his bathroom covering his thighs with the red. He enjoyed pretending it was paint, it took away the bad parts. Seeing the red gush out and only being able to know how to draw complex diagrams of Poseidon's Trident.

Seeing your vision blurring and tracing a broken heart to mimic your own.

Your whole body goes numb and cold but you Sketch a potato farm because you remember planting one when you were a small child in your biological family's home. You thought the potatoes would make them happier. Maybe the yelling would stop for a bit?

You remember the dread as the red turned to orange as the water washed it away and your entire body stung and cried (but you tried not to).

You remember the panic as the scars went from red to white to nearly the same as your own skin.

And then your brother saw.


I shook the memory away; Tommy is more important right now

"Tommy hey bud hey uh" I grabbed a few bandanas off his dresser and tied them around his arms tightly.

"I'll be right back okay I'm going to grab you some bandages just stay here okay" I ran out faster than I ever have and rummaged through the cupboards in the bathroom to find bandaids, gauze and medical tape along with some bacteria killer. (I FORGOT WHAT IT'S CALLED) rushing back to Tommy's room and double checking to make sure I had it all.

I jogged into the room and made sure to shut the door behind me and then went to kneel infront of Tommy who was breathing a bit slower than he should.

"Hey bud can I grab your arm and clean you up a bit?" He nodded so I started cleaning off the blood and pouring the anti-bacteria on his arms before bandaging them.

"Can- can you not tell Phil....please" he sounded tired and weak. I felt like shit having to see him like that. I wondered if this is what Wilbur saw that day?

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