Was I in Twilight? (Revision)

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"I was thinking Graciela!" The woman holding my sister offered mischievously, eyeing me with a gentle look in her near black eyes. Just like my mom's they seemed out of place on her face. I just couldn't figure out why.

"Alice, shouldn't that be Edward's decision?" A wavy blonde-haired male teasingly rebuked as he also appeared out of nowhere. In front of us! He hadn't walked around. He hadn't even used the entrance to the room!

Was there a secret entrance I was missing? Were they climbing in through the window?

{Where did he come from?} I was glad I wasn't the only one whose brain couldn't compute what was going on.

{Maybe he just ran fast? So fast neither of us could see him?} It was far-fetched but I had nothing else.

Like the caramel haired woman before him, his eyes were a bright golden. It was odd to see even a guy that wasn't ashamed to show his obsession with twilight. I felt some respect blossom for whoever he was.

Renesmee and I had different parents so if Edward was supposed to be our dads name, I was relieved to have dodged that bullet. A sister named Renesmee and a father named Edward? I'd never get passed the constant teasing when I was old enough to start school.

No, thank you.

"Graciela Vera?" Mom suggested and once again, I tried to talk forgetting that I couldn't. Annoyance caused my eye to twitch. I wanted to tell them I liked it. I wasn't sure how they had known my name was Gracie before or maybe it was just a lucky guess, but I wanted it to stay my name. I would keep any name mom suggested so Vera as my middle name would suit me just fine.

I wracked my admittedly small brain to try to figure out a way to tell them that was now my name. A way that was more obvious than simply ignoring any name they tried unless it was Graciela; but I couldn't think of anything that would work until -

"She approves," The same golden eyed man suddenly said, causing me to look at him in confusion. He was staring at me intently, as if he could read my soul or something. "She felt pleased by the name. Both her first and middle name. I'm assuming her annoyance came from being unable to tell us,"

{How did he know what you were feeling?} My sister shared in my confusion. Given how protective of me she was, she was also cautious of this golden eyed man who, so far, was nothing but a conundrum.

{Your guess is as good as mine.}

"Is that your name, Graciela?" My mom hummed, one of her hands tickling my sides and the giggle that left me would have embarrassed me had it not shocked me instead. It was much higher and bell sounding than I was used too. I had never heard a giggle reach that pitch before. It was satisfying; one of those laughs that made you want to laugh too.

"Did she just laugh?" My sisters father asked before I was taken from my mom's arms. I could tell how reluctant she had been to let me go by the slight curl of her lip when I was gone; she settled into a mask of indifference soon after.

I didn't like seeing that look on her face, I wanted to see her smile again. It was a beautiful smile. It would have been a shame not to share it with the world. I was understandably upset I was taken from her. I had waited, and waited, and waited for her. What right did this man have to ruin this for me?

My frustration and irritation grew much quicker than I was used too, and I was unable to tamper it. Maybe because my emotions were technically that of newborn; maybe because of the desperation I had previously felt for my mom. I had no way to even explain what I was feeling. Tears stung my eyes, obstructing my vision. My lower lip trembled.

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