Five prominent bonds (Revision)

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Her eyes widened as she stared at me, speechless. She didn't look like she knew how to respond; how to process what I just told her. She was warring with herself. Her 'beast' and her rational mind clashing. The one that acknowledged and accepted my claim with one of its own; versus the one that knew I should technically belong to her brother.

Whether Uncle Jasper felt my emotions; my claim or hers. He looked equally hesitant and concerned as they locked eyes in some form of non-verbal communication, connecting the dots of moms' behavior; and my own. Jasper and Rosalie pretended to be twins to the human world. It wasn't until just now that I realized how well they could actually pass for it.

Their behavior didn't go unnoticed by anyone else. "What is it? What's happening?" Auntie Alice asked from where she was still feeding my sister. She tried to keep her face clear, but I could detect the jealousy; she wasn't used to being on the outside looking in. She was used to being the one who knew what was going on before anyone else.

Dad and Esme were also waiting for an explanation; simply accepting that Uncle Jasper and Mom would explain why they were both suddenly cautious and uncertain.

"She - ..." Mom began but stopped abruptly when the 'tension' returned. Edward stopped at the threshold of the living room while he eavesdropped on the room's thoughts. Mom's 'beast' was prepared to defend her young; again, it was completely subconscious as she shifted so I was protectively cradled against her chest while still ensuring I could drink my bottle. Uncle Jasper was monitoring the emotions in the room, his face tight with concentration. Renesmee reached out to grab my arm; she too anticipated something bad was about to happen.

After what felt like forever, Edward sighed, running his hands through his hair, messing it up good and proper. He looked stressed and worried. "I know you girls may not understand this right now, but your mommy is in the other room. She won't be able to see you for a while. I just need you to be a little patient, can you do that for me?" I almost felt bad that he completely missed what actually happened. I didn't have to wait for my mother; I wasn't even asking for my mother. I was ensuring that my mother knew that she was my mother.

The only one in the room who looked convinced by his conclusion, was Aunt Alice. Mom and Uncle Jasper went back to their unspoken communication; if I didn't know any better, I would think they could communicate like Renesmee and I could. I had no interest in encouraging his line of thought, though. I wanted everyone to know she was mine. My mother. The possessiveness between us ran both ways.

Keeping my eyes wide and innocent, I placed my hand on my mother's cheek and ensured that no one could misunderstand, even if they tried too. 'Love. Adoration. Possessive. Mine. Mommy!' Surprisingly, I hadn't only passed on pure emotion; with my desperation for my intent to be known and understood, my 'gift' once more adjusted instinctually to suit my needs. The words were very clearly heard and understood by not only my mother, but Uncle Jasper, who was monitoring my emotions, and Edward, who was listening to everyone's thoughts.

The implications of my emotions startled Uncle Jasper who was still intently monitoring the room, but he managed to answer the unspoken question of the two still watching us waiting for a proper explanation. "Gracie is under the impression that Rosalie is her mother." He admitted reluctantly. The room collectively held their breath and Edward didn't disappoint.

His worried and stressed appearance disappeared; swapped with an air of annoyance, anger, and offense. A growl built in his throat as he glared at my mom and practically ripped me out of her arms; much to everyone's displeasure.

If she hadn't been afraid to hurt me; Mom would have fought back. I could still see the struggle in her eyes. Fighting her 'beast' to stay buried beneath the surface. She had always had amazing control over herself; never even tasting human blood. Being so out of control was probably overwhelming for her; now I really did feel bad.

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