Do not Mess with my Mother! (Revision)

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When we got to Mom's room, she closed the door and took a few deep breathes while her body tensed; I had no idea why her mood had changed so quickly and as subtly as I could, I placed my hand on her neck to try to find out. 'Protective. Possessive. Fear.' It was only the tinniest bit of the last emotion, but I was sure I understood why. The conversation hit too close to home; her fear that something bad would happen to me like it did her would probably never fully disappear.

'Reassurance.' It was the only thing I could think of to send her to remind her that I was here, in her arms. 'Safe.' I felt more than I saw her shoulders relax as she let my reassurance wash over her. I knew she didn't want me to feel her more negative emotions, but we were a team. I wasn't just hers. She was mine. I wanted to take care of her too.

She laid me on her bed, and I tilted my head while studying her every move, my confusion written plainly on my face. She smiled softly at me and started to remove my onesie. I thought she was simply going to change me out of this outfit; until she took off her own shirt. She lifted me and placed me gently against her chest, my ear against the place her heartbeat would be.

"Before you were born..." Mom started to explain, her voice barely a coo as she moved to lean against the headboard of her bed. She reclined there with me snuggled against her chest, her extremely smooth fingers massaging up and down my back. "While Bella was pregnant, I read more books on babies than I care to admit."

I snuggled closer to her chest and closed my eyes, 'Contentment. Satisfaction. Serenity.' As she continued talking, I could hear the smile in her voice. "We had no idea what to expect. How you would turn out; and truthfully, I'm not sure any of the reasons for it pertain to you, but skin on skin contact is supposed to have multiple health advantages while helping improve the bond between us."

'Disgruntled.' As if our bond needed the extra help. She giggled softly, placing lingering kisses across my forehead to soothe my furrowed brow. "I know. Our bond is much different than a human one, but I didn't think you'd mind either way." 'Agreement.' She was right, I didn't mind this at all.

'Sleepy. Comfortable.' I yawned and Mom squeezed me softly in acknowledgement, draping a blanket over us both. I was careful to conceal the 'Disappointment.' I felt at not being able to hear my mom's heartbeat. I knew she didn't have one, so I wasn't quite sure why I was bothered by it. It simply felt like something was missing and I was more than confused by my own thoughts.

"I was wondering where you two disappeared too," Dad hummed when he opened the door, shutting it behind him.

"I thought we could use some uninterrupted peace. That was a lot for me, I can only imagine how it was for her." Mom sighed, shifting when Dad slid into the bed next to her. She turned so her head was resting against his shoulder; my ear still pressed against her non beating heart and my body supported by his chest. One of her hands absently tracing patterns on my back with her fingers.

His hand came up to also play with the hair on my head and at this point I was only barely conscious from all the pampering, "She's strong just like her mom."

Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


I woke up slowly and took my time monitoring my surroundings. My ear was pressed against a shirt, instead of a bare chest. The blanket from before was wrapped around me, but I knew I hadn't been redressed. I was swaddled and it was surprisingly relaxing. I yawned, my little body stretching as much as it could in its current position. My face rubbed softly against the fabric of my –

'Alarm. Agitation.' I couldn't smell my mom! I inhaled again; I also couldn't smell my dad... this was someone else. It wasn't exactly that I had anything against my other family members; but where was my mom? Had Edward managed to take me while I was asleep?

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