Stop Manipulating Me

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"I have to go, Y/N. I'm sorry," George whispered.

 You shook in fear as you were left alone. You were never a big fan of storms. They gave bad flashbacks from your past. Dream must have noticed that, because he was rushing toward you. You jumped as the thunder rumbled more than ever before.

Thunderstorms brought back bad memories.

the screams.

the running.

"It's alright, I have you," Dream hushed, bringing you into his arms. 

"What's wrong?"

 "I don't like storms." 

He pushed your head into his chest and stroked a hand through your hair.

 "Want to know what's even worse?" You spoke. Dream nodded.

"Being tied to a tree during one and having a knife cut into your skin. Oh, and also being manipulated and kidnapped." 

Dream gave you a death stare for your words. "I didn't kidnap you, I just borrowed you."

You struggled against his grasp. "Stop manipulating me," You pleaded. 

Dream smirked. "I'm not. I'm your friend. I'll protect you. We'll be fine as long as you listen." 

Tears fell from your E/C eyes. "I'm not your friend," You hissed, kicking him and breaking free from his hold, attempting to escape and break free from your chains. 

 "That's it. Your so ungrateful," Dream snapped, quickly taking your chains off you. 

"What the-" He picked you up and stormed into his home. 

He threw you onto the ground of a room you hadn't seen before and then locked the door. "Where are we?" You asked.

 Dream looked at you. "You'll see."

Dream wasn't going to let you go willingly, you had learned this by now. What if you just listened to him? You would gain his trust and then escape when the time was right. Perfect. You didn't know how long you would be able to keep it up though.

"I won't ever try and escape again, Dream. I've learned what hapens afterword," You lied. 

Dream smiled. "Come on, Y/N." Normally, you would punch him, but you listened and fell fast asleep.

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