Promised Freedom

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You sat cross-legged in the room Dream had given you. The bed was soft, and the details of the quarters were suprisingly nice. The masked man entered the room, and leaned against the doorframe. "Do I get any consent or gain from this forced marriage?" You scoffed. He seemed to be thinking for a moment, but his frown twisted into a smirk.

"I suppose I could give you something in return, but I don't know why you need a prize, Y/N," Dream laughed. You fell down into the comfort of your mattress. "I'm listening." Your eyes wondered up to the tall outline of Dream. "You want L'Manberg to have freedom, correct?" He questioned.

Happiness glinted in your eyes and your lips curved into a smile. "Of course," You nodded. He slowly paced around the room before turning back to you. "If you marry me without running away or plotting one of your little schemes with Tommy, I'll give L'Manberg freedom," Dream announced.

It would be horrible to be married to your sworn enemy, but so many postive results could come from you marrying him. An image of Tommy and Tubbo running around in a flower field not having to fight in a dangerous war anymore popped into your head. Or Wilbur and Fundy finallyy being able to spend proper father and son time together.

Niki would be overjoyed not having to stress about the death of others, and Jack would thrive. For a moment, you thought of Eret but dismissed it immediately. He was the reason you were here. He was the reason you weren't married to the man you truly loved. You had no feelings for Dream.

But would the killing of him leave you upset? Yes, it would. Somehow, no matter how much you denied it, there were feelings for Dream deep down. At somepoint, they would be even more real having to be married to the man. Dream sat on the small stool in your room patiently. "Is that a yes or no?"

Flashbacks started to appear from your kiss with him. Why did he kiss you? If he wanted you to marry him, he must be in love with you. But why? If Dream loved you enough, he would let you go back to your home. He would end this war. But by the looks of it, that would never happen. "Will you marry me, Y/N?"

You took a deep breath. "Yes."

"Then let's get ready for the wedding tomorrow," Dream spoke. Your eyes widened. "Tomorrow? I'm not doing that tomorrow-" You started as Dream grabbed your wrist. "I said let's get ready for the wedding tomorrow," He hissed. With a shiver, you nodded. 

You examined the ring he had got you. It was golden with a beautiful green gem. "What do you think?" Dream asked. He sounded a bit more calm. "It's beautiful, but just because I'm marrying you does not mean I like you."

He moved closer to you. "We'll see," Dream said lifting up his mask slightly to reveal a smirk and then to the side to show you a wink. With a roll of your eyes, you followed Dream to the main room where George and Sapnap stood. "My friend Alyssa will be helping you out, love. The wedding is tomorrow as I said, and I need you up early to get ready. It's better to have one before L'Manberg comes up with a dumb plan to stop it."

With a frown, you followed the blonde girl with a grey mask that covered her lips and nose. "So, you're the lucky girl getting married to Dream?" Alyssa said, breaking the silence. You sighed and looked around the room she led you into. "I wouldn't say lucky. I've been stuck here forever and I was taken from my wedding with Wilbur Soot. Now I'm being forced into marrying Dream," You explained.

"If you take away the manipulation, anger, intimidating, and toxic feautures of him, he isn't that bad." Alyssa shrugged with a laugh. This was the first thing to actually make you laugh in a while. "You seem funny. You and George are the only decent people here," You commented.

"Here's your dress." You gasped in awe. Despite not wanting to marry him, the dress was magnificent. "It's lovely. I'm not sure if it can top the one Niki made me though." Alyssa smiled and escorted you out of the room. "Good luck tomorrow. I'll come to get you in the morning," She said with a wave.

The door of your room was locked and you pulled the soft blanket over you nervously. You wouldn't let Dream get away with this. One day, you would get revenge on him. Unless you actually manage to fall in love with him. But that will never really happen. He'll manipulate you like everyone else.

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